Hot n' cold - Red velvet

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A/N: Serendipitous encounters will manifest this week. With this energy present, your future can change within the blink of an eye, so be on the lookout for new paths to take. These vibes also bode well for embracing romance, and if you've been teetering on the edge of a relationship — you could get pushed one way or another. Just try not to feel heartbroken if you don't find yourself with a new love interest by the end of the day, it only means that you're on the path towards a greater love in the future.

Communicative Mercury turns retrograde on the twenty-ninth, asking you to speak from the heart without letting down your boundaries too quickly. You'll want to strike a balance between being open without feeling vulnerable in order to make the most of this cosmic climate.

New Year's Eve will open the door for flirting, as the Sagittarius moon activates the sector of your chart that rules communication. Your charm will be hard to resist, so make sure you choose your targets wisely. Meanwhile, you'll want to use the 1st as an excuse to focus on yourself and any art projects you hope to initiate in the new year! 


"SEULGI!!" Irene yelled.

Seulgi jumped upin shock as she looked over to a storming Irene, coming her way. 

"Did you leave some handprints on our mission statement?!" Irene showed her. 

"No, why would I do that?" Seulgi asked.

"Because I know you for many years, so don't pretend it wasn't you! This mission statement clearly declares ourselves as a team!" Irene replied. 

"So what?! We don't need a dumb statement to prove that!!!" Seulgi said. 

"Yes, we do!" Irene exclaimed. 

The other three girls came into the room. 

"Jeez, what's with all this yelling?" Wendy asked.

 "She ruined our mission statement!" Irene exclaimed. 

"She won't shut up about it!" Seulgi replied.

"Enough! Lately, you guys have been getting onto each other's nerves and it's driving us mental." Joy said. 

"That's right, we're a team and we shouldn't fight on the small things. It can really end friendships that way and I thought we're best friends." Yeri replied.

"Well, I don't want to friends with that bookworm who always like to stay indoors all the time." Soeulgi humphed.

"Well, me neither. Esepcially to recless social butterflies who always like getting competitive and never listens to anybody other than herself." Iren crossed her arms. 

"Fine!" Seulgi yelled.

"Fine!" Irene yelled.

The two then went off their seperate ways as the other girls looked at each other in shock and in awe. 

The next week however, in Seulgi's house, she got an emergency call from Joy. Instantly, she picked it up and placed it on her ear. 

Seulgi, where are you?! 

Woah, woah..... slow down. What's happened, Joy?

An akanabe has tooken Jimin and V. 

Her eyes went wide-eyed in realization and she clenched her fists. 

I'm on my way, tell the boys to hang in there.

She hanged up the call and dashed for the exit of her house. 

The akanbe both got V and Jimin in its hands and the girls stood there with clenched fists. 

"Hey, you monster! Let our boyfriends go!" Seulgi replied. 

"Hahahahaha, isn't that sweet? The 5 precure wants to save their pathetic friends." Wolfrun laughed.

Seulgi and Irene clenched their fists as the 5 of them transform themselves. The Akanabe put them in permetrated bubbles so may nothing can pop them. 

"Take this!" Yeri kicked the akanabe. 

The akanbe landed on its feet before it strikes Joy. Joy manages to dodge beforfe landing back on the ground. 

They punched and kicked the akanabe until it can't stand, but while Irene went over to the bubbles, Wolfrun attacked her, making her fall to the ground. 

"IRENE!!!" Seulgi yelled. 

Seulgi rushed over to Irene's aid as she stood up. 

"Are you okay?" Seulgi asked. 

"I'm fine.... don't worry about me......" Irene breathed. 

Irene got up with the help of Seulgi, but as they turned around, the akanbe has managed to strike Joy to thje ground with one big shot. 

"JOY!" Irene gasped. 

They rushed over to Joy to see if she's alright before they realized that they have had enough. Irene and Seulgi both looked at each other before combining their moves to finally defeat the akanabe once and for all. 

"This isn't the last time I'll see you, glitter force! You better believe it!" Wolfrun clenched his fists before he disappeared. 

Everything soon went back to normal, but the girls looked to the bubbles that haven't done any damage whatsoever. 

"How are we going to get them out?" Wendy asked.

Irnee thought of a plan before a light bulb has come to her head. 

"By working together. Ready, Seulgi?" Irene asked. 

Seulgi nodded and they used their combo moves to finally break through those bubbles and the two boys felt the bubbles disngrating as it bathed into the sunlight. 

"Girls, you did it!" Jimin hugged Seulgi. 

"You finally stopped celebrating your differences and start to work together as a team!" V said. 

The two girls looked eat each other and smiled. 

"You know..... I'm really sorr about what I said. You're not a bookworm, you're actually very smart and you always come up with the best plans to help us succeed." Seulgi said.

"And you know everyone from everywhere. If you didn't, then we would have never met these amazing friends that we have and of course, amazing boyfriends." Irene said, "Wanna be friends again?" 

"No...... BFFs. And we can even have our own ship name. Something like Seulrene." Seulgi replied. 

"Oooh, Seulrene. That's a great ship name and it does have a nice ring to it." Irene replied. 

"Um, excuse me? What about us?" V asked. 

"Yeah, you guys already have ship names." Jimin humphed. 

The girls laughed in unison.

"You guys know what we mean, silly billy. And besides, nothing can compare of what we have." Irene replied. 

"And the same goes for you. Now let's go and get something to eat, I'm famished." Seulgi said, making everyone nod. 


A/N: I'm glad that they've got that rivalry out of the way. 

Anyway, the SMCU collab album is out and we got our first ever exclusive performance of Hot n' cold with Karina, Kai and Jeno! 

Check it out: 

I really love this song! 

See you next time!!!! 



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