Texting love - J

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A/N: Your popularity will get a boost on the nineteenth as the solar eclipse tolls through your seventh house of partnerships. Use this energy to put your needs first, even if that means rescheduling a date in favor of staying home for a self-care night. Pay attention to who sends you messages on this day, as it could indicate that they're interested in more than just friendship.

The Taurus sun will share a sweet inconjunction with your ruling planet, starting on the twentieth, bringing new depth to your relationships. If you've been casually seeing someone lately and want to take things to the next level, consider inviting them over to your place on this day for a cozy evening on the couch. If anyone else lingering around hasn't managed to fully grab your attention by this point, use this energy to cut them loose for good.

The solar eclipse on the nineteenth will activate the sector of your chart that rules learning and communication, putting you in the mood for intellectual conversation. This is also a great time to enroll in any classes you've considered taking on lately, as your brain will be eager to learn new concepts and information. 


11:45 AM 


Morning, glitter lucky. Did you slept well? 

I slept amazing. I had a dream where you and I got married! 

W-wait..... really? I had a dream where we had our honeymoon. It was set in Hawaii. 

Oooh, Hawaii??!?!? I would love to go to Hawaii! 

Where did we have our wedding?

Here, duh. 

Oh, right. Anyway, are still on for our date today? 

Yep! I've even got some scones and everything! 

Hold up one minute. You can cook scones? 

Like actual scones and not ones that tastes like shit? :0

Babe, that's mean! 

But actually, my mom did all the cooking. 

I thought so. LOL


I'll see you there, okay? 

Alright then. Bye. 


13:12 PM

Man, was that a great picnic or what? 

I hear that. You can make a mean strawberry sandwich! 

Well, nothing like a strawberry sandwich on  a wonderful day can sure make anything better. Hey, next week, I'll bake some cookies. 

Oh my gosh, that's like a real treat! I can't wait! 

Hahaha, I knew you would love it. Shall I bake some for the other girls as well? 


Oh, wow.....


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