Let's get ridiclous - SG

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A/N: There could be a pressure point building up within your partnership that boils over this week. With Mars and Neptune locked in a challenging aspect, in areas of your life governed through daily routines and commitments. If you live with your partner, you could feel like you lack space or significant changes within your relationship's commitment.

For some of you. this is brought on by work changes, while other Libras might need to consider getting a larger home. In any event, you'll need to have an honest conversation with your partner about the feelings that you're having and create the space to find a mutually beneficial solution.

For example, if your work schedule has you working late and you can no longer cook, it's time for you to ask your partner to put a meal aside for you or divvy up some other household chores to ensure that you are feeling the comfort you might be lacking on the work front. Either way, in most cases, if we want more, we have to do more. So what are you willing to do?


Seulgi spotted Jimin and rushed over to him. She placed his arms around him as he got startled and turned around. 

"Babe!" Jimin said, happily. 

"Seulgi!" Everyone said. 

"How's the world tour? You've must be super exhausted." Jeongyeon replied. 

"It was awesome! It's great to travel around the world, but it's also amazing to come back home!" Seulgi replied. 

"And we're glad to have you here." Rose said, drinking her whiskey. 

"That makes two of us." Jaehyun kissed her lips. 

"Excuse me, can we have 4 rounds of raspberry shots please?" Bobby asked. 

The bartender nodded and set up their drinks. 

"So how was the world tour, babe? What's it like?" V asked. 

"Oh, it was amazing! We saw all sorts of sights and got into various activites. We even made our own bread and wine." Irene replied. 

"Get out of town!" Jisoo exclaimed. 

"It's true. It's truly delicious and if you'd like some, I even got the recipe for both the bread and wine so we can have a picnic sometime." Irene explained.

"That sounds great!" Bobby exclaimed. 

"Yeah, that would be a real treat." V said. 

Mark is just outside, taking a breather from all the commotion that is going inside. That wasn't when someone else is calling his name. GHe looked around and saw that it was Mina. 

"Oh, hey." He said. 

"Hey, I've been looking all over for you. Is something wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"No way, everything's going fine. I'm just..... taking a breather....." He gulped. 

"If you say so..... but you sound nervous somehow." She said. 

"Well..... actually...." Mark stuttered, "The reason I'm here is because....... I really like you. More than just friends and in a lover way, if you know what I mean. I haven't said anything because.... I'm worried that you would only just see me as a friend and nothing more and if that's true.... I don't know if my feelings for you will change." 

She was shocked from this confession and that was more than enough to see her stuttering too. 

"It's okay, you don't have to say it back." Mark said, plastering on a smile.

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