11) running and screaming

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On the lower landing of the house stood over 50 people, most of them are old friends from school and new friends! But there were actually a few celebrities

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On the lower landing of the house stood over 50 people, most of them are old friends from school and new friends! But there were actually a few celebrities. I scanned the now applauding crowd as I walked down the stairs, clinging onto Awsten's arm for dear life.
"You invited the Veronicas?" I snarled in a whisper to Awsten, Otto, Geoff and Chloe once we had gotten off the stairs.
"It was all Geoff's idea!" Grinned Awsten, kissing my neck. This was quite easily meant to be used as a distraction and it was working, if finish yelling at Geoff later!
Awsten then proceeded to introduce me to all the celebrities who Geoff had invited. After around 45 minutes I had reunited with my old friends from school, and met some of my idols, The Veronica's, metro station,simple plan and good charlotte!
To say I went to fangirl would be the understatement of the century!
"CATCH YOU CRAZY BITCH!" Screamed Chloe as a can of beer came close to hitting my head. Luckily I caught it and automatically opened it, taking a large gulp! This wasn't the first best I'd had so I knew I liked them! (I know underage drinking, sue me!)
"Oh and I'm totally the crazy one?" I questioned pointing to the beer and then my head.
"Sorry, I think I need to lay off the cocktails before my depth perception gets any worse!" I giggled, then hiccuped. Yep she was tipsy.
"Ya think?"
"Come dance with me?" She laughed as she grabbed my arm and dragged me away from Awsten and onto the dance floor.
"SORRY" I mouthed to Awsten, who nodded and smiled at me as he went to get himself another drink.
The music selection was awesome, but the dancing had some improvements to be made. Such as needing Otto to be removed from the dance floor immediately!
Chloe and I marched our way into the middle of the dance floor, and watched as everyone stepped away clearing space for us. Automatically we both started dancing, we knew we looked good given that Geoff, Awsten and just about every other man's eyes were on us as we continued to move to the beat of the music.
10 minutes into our dancing, a few guys had joined us in dancing, benji and Joel madden were two of these people.
15 minutes after, and I was dancing in the protective circle of awsten's arms.
I wasn't intoxicated like Chloe, Geoff and Otto, I was just enjoying myself like Awsten!
Awsten and I found ourselves no longer dancing, and instead standing interlocked with each other, our faces moving closer together with each passing second. Before long we were kissing each other with such passion and energy, I felt like I was about to burst.
The night passed without any mishaps. By the time Awsten carried me bridal style into my room, it was 2am, Chloe and Geoff were in Geoff's room most likely passed out. Otto was collapsed on the sofa hugging Jess from the Veronicas (She'll probably wake up, and run off screaming when she see's it's him!) and all I wanted to do was snuggle up into awsten's warm embrace and sleep.
We walked though my bedroom door, and Awsten placed me back on my feet. I walked into my ensuite, removed all my makeup, took my hair out and brushed all the hairspray out violently. I then proceeded to get changed into this ()
As I walked back into my room, I saw Awsten playing with my Spider-Man toy (CUTE!!!!!!)
"If you break him, you owe me a new one!" I grinned at him. He turned to face me and smirked at my outfit.
"Don't worry, I'll always be your Spider-Man!" I laughed, and I giggled as I walked over to him and sat down on his lap. He was wearing just a pair of Spider-Man boxers. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. I rested my head against his bare chest and breathed in his scent. Mmm lynx!
Before my mind had time to catch up, I found my self with my legs wrapped around Awsten's waist, kissing him like no tomorrow. His hands were tracing circles on my thighs getting higher and higher, until finally they were resting on my butt.
I giggled slightly into the kiss, as Awsten poked my stomach gently.
Awsten then pushed me back, so I was lying on my back on the bed, with him hovering over me. I looked up into his eyes and smiled, he smiled back before leaning down and kissing me urgently, like he'd been waiting to do this for a while.
My arms wrapped around his neck bringing him as close to me as possible, and my hands tangled into his already messy hair.
His hands then unexpectedly slipped under my top making me gasp in pleasure.
"Do you want to do this?" Awsten asked.
"I want this with you!" I whispered, before leaning back into kissing him again.
The night was amazing, and I was so happy to have spent it with Awsten!
I woke up the next morning, completely naked, but hidden by the sheets, with my head resting on awsten's chest.
"Morning beautiful" whispered Awsten as he kissed the top of my head.
"Morning" I replied sleepily.
We heard a crash from down stairs, followed by a females voice screaming, and then the front door slamming closed.
"I guess Jess woke up and realised who she was sleeping next to!" I laughed hysterically with Awsten. I was correct about my prediction f how Jess would react!
10 minutes later, Awsten was downstairs cooking breakfast, and I was attempting to leave my bed.
Meh, another 5 minutes and then I will, I thought to myself before closing my eyes and relaxing m. I giggled at the thought of Geoff, Chloe and Otto, oh god would they have a hangover!

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