12) you're an awful sister

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I eventually made my way out of my VERY comfortable bed

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I eventually made my way out of my VERY comfortable bed. Trudging into the bathroom I threw on this ()
I walked out of the bathroom and headed downstairs to where the smell of pancakes, eggs and bacon were coming from!
"Smells good!" I smiled as I hugged Awsten from behind. He turned around,picked me up and kissed me deeply.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed back. Suddenly the smell of burning bacon came from the frying pan. Awsten let go of me, and placed me gently on the kitchen counter before jogging over to the now flaming bacon and eggs!
"Need the fire extinguisher?" I asked smiling. I was in a really good mood, and for some reason I think it had something to do with last night!
"Um no, I'll just...Um yeah I'll fix it!" I replied quickly. For the first time I noticed Awsten wearing a Spider-Man shirt, black skinny jeans and converse.
5 minutes later, and Awsten had the cooking under control again.
"Oh ow that fucking hurt" squealed Chloe as she and Geoff came downstairs.
"What happened?" I questioned.
"Geoff dropped me, so now I have a painful bum and head!" She sighed. I giggled at her complaints, then went back to watching Awsten cook as Chloe and Geoff fought over something!
"I smell food!" Yelled Otto running into the kitchen.
"Where the bloody hell'd you come from?" Asked Awsten as he threatened Otto with a knife before he stole any bacon.
"I've been sitting on the sofa this whole time, I was kinda confused when Jess left screaming...Oh and by the way you to were really noisy last night!" Grinned Otto as he pointed at Awsten and I.
My eyes widened in shock, and Awsten began chasing Otto round the house with the knife.
"So last night?" Asked Geoff as he stood in front of me with his arms folded over his chest. Hehe I was still taller than him!
"Jeez, none of your business Geoffrey!" I smirked
"Lexi you are only a kid, you can't hide things from me" I glared.
"Excuse me I'm 18! I am officially a legal adult now." I yelled.
"I don't care how old you are, you are my little sister and I don't want you having sex until you're older"
"You can't tell me what to do, you aren't dad or mom" I screamed with tears in my eyes now.
"And I'm glad I'm not your father, it's hard enough dealing with you as it is, I'd hate to have actually helped create you you little shit!" He yelled.
"I HATE YOU GEOFF!" I yelled as I jumped off the bench and ran into my room, leaving Chloe staring at me and Awsten and Otto stopped mid stare.
I locked my door, threw myself onto the bed, and cried into my pillow.
I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, I just wanted to be left alone... Also I needed more sleep!
2 hours later I woke up with awful bed hair, and a very painful cramp in my leg from sleeping awkwardly yay!
After dealing with the cramp and brushing my hair, I got up, unlocked my door and headed downstairs again. I was really hungry because I didn't eat breakfast.
Looking through the cupboards, I noticed that the house was overly quiet.... That's not right, there's 3 boys here and Chloe.
I pulled out the Nutella, got a spoon then sat down on the sofa before digging in (I know not so healthy, but I don't really care!)
"Oh hey Lexi, I didn't realise you were up." Said Otto coming round the hallway from the bathroom I presume.
"Hey... Where's everyone else?" I asked.
"Oh Um Chloe had to go back to L.A to get all of her stuff so she could move back here, she said she's mentioned it to you? Um Geoff's gone out somewhere and said he won't be back until tomorrow afternoon, and Geoff's gone up to Houston to see family." Replied Otto as he sat down next to me and stole some of my Nutella.
"Oh yeah Chloe did mention that, and I think Awsten did as well!" I laughed as I attacked Otto's finger with my spoon.
"So I guess it's just you an me then" I smiled.
"Yeah, let's try not to kill each other?" He grinned.
"No promises but I'll try my best!" I laughed before lightly punching Otto's arm.
"So what do you wanna do?" I asked 1 hour later after both of us had finished the Nutella.
"Watch a movie?"
"Sure! Which one?"
"THE DISH!" We both yelled at the same time. I got off the sofa and found the dvd before putting it in the DVD player and well pressing play as all normal people do!
Half way though the movie, my legs were draped lazily with ver Otto's lap, and he was throwing pieces of popcorn at me at random moments.
Although Awsten wasn't there, Geoff and I had a massive fight and I didn't have Chloe there with me to watch girly films like the notebook with me, I still had a really awesome time with Otto!

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