15) kissed me?

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Darcy pov:I grabbed Geoff's hand, and dragged him from our room and down to the front door

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Darcy pov:
I grabbed Geoff's hand, and dragged him from our room and down to the front door.
"Where are we going exactly?" he demanded.
"I thought you might want to go to see your sister, and friends? But if I'm wrong we can always do something else....." I left the sentence at that, as I watched Geoff run out the front door and leaped into the drivers seat of his car.
Lexi pov:
"Where is he?"  I asked impatiently. Darcy had called 30 minutes ago, telling us that she was coming over to 'chat' with Geoff. Sure that wasn't exactly tops on my priority list, but hey, I want my bro back!
"Calm you tits Lexi, they'll be here soon." Informed Chloe from next to me who looked just as impatient as me. I shot a glare before continuing to bite my nails into oblivion.
Awsten wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and I rested my head on his shoulder. "They'll come soon, just think about something else. " soothed Awsten.
"Ok guys, just got a text from the bitch herself.... Or Darcy, whichever you prefer. Anyways they'll be here in 10 minutes, so I suggest you guys go put something, I dunno, fight worthy on." Said Otto as he walked into the lounge room with a copy of 'zoo' in his hand as Lexi and I stood up to get ready for a could be fight. As we walked off I turned to Otto and his magazine, and gave them both a glare, before heading up the stairs to my room.
A car screeched from outside on the ash felt. Chloe and I looked at each other, before running outside, only to find Awsten and Otto having a staring contest with Darcy, and Geoff standing next to the car rolling his eyes.
"GEOFF!!!" Screamed Chloe, as she ran over to him, he picked her up and spun around in a tight embrace.
While the two love birds were busy, I stormed over to Darcy with a pan to kill.
"Lexi, sweetie. How I've missed you! Oh my, and look how much you've changed, what happened to the frizzy hair and glasses?" Questioned Darcy as she hugged me as if we were friends, yuck -gag-
"Darcy, get your hands off of Lexi." Warned Awsten, once seeing my face of protest.
"Why should I?" She countered.
"I'm warning you, don't fucking touch her." He was getting angry now. Otto, Geoff and Chloe had come over as well to help.
"Darcy, let's just talk. Ok?" I suggest, but of course my vocal chords failed me by wavering, showing the fear that I was currently trying to hide.
"You scared?" She asked.
I chewed on my lower lip, from stopping myself from crying ad the memories of what she said and did to me came rushing back. "No, I'm not........ But you should be."
Darcy gave me a look of confusion, just as i kneed her in the stomach and pushed her backwards.
"Lexi, you don't have to hurt her." Yelled Geoff.
I didn't care, she stole my brother, broke my best friends heart, blamed me for my family leaving us, and now she things we're friends? She deserves to have her life ruined just as she ruined mine.
I ran at her full speed, tears streaming down my face, and then I stopped. Not by choice, but because Darcy made me. Her lips were now interlocked with mine, I screamed into the kiss, trying to pull away. This isn't right, I'm in love with Awsten, and she's a chick, I don't swing that way.
Finally Darcy pulled away, smiling like a love struck fool. I looked behind me to see Awsten fuming, and the others were stunned beyond belief.
"I love you Alexandra, I have since the day I met you. And it's all your fault. You made me this way! I had no say over it! You made me fall in love with you!" She screamed at me.
I blinked at her, stunned by what she was saying. How did I make her lesbian? I don't have a problem with gay's, bi's and such, but I'm straight. So how the fuck is this my fault?
I can't deal with this.
The next thing I know, I'm falling backwards, and everyone's yelling my name, only problem is I can't focus on anyone... then everything went blank.
I woke up many hours later, to my mum shaking me awake. Happy birthday sweetie. My brother and dad and then came bounding in my room singing happy birthday.
What the fuck is going on?

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