The Truth

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I was sat in Blake's arms and he was playing on his phone messaging his girlfriend Ameile. I really want to meet her she seemed so nice to chill with so I asked him about her. Which broke the silence in the room.

E: when can she come over, I would love to meet her she seems cool to chill with

Bl: really? You wanna meet her

E: yea sure

Bl: I'll ask her now.

I saw him typing in his phone and he messaged her "hey Jadens little sister Ellie said she would love to hang with you when are you free to come over" . He sent the message and she read straight away but it took her time to answer. She finally replied. "The only time I'm available is in 2 weeks so I'll be there in 2 weeks, let her know I can't wait to hang out. Double dates if she even has a boyfriend" I giggled a little bit and Blake followed on as well. Jaden looked confused.

Ja: you'd meet Blake's girlfriend but you won't meet mine

E: well I mean, get real Jaden, she looks the type of bitch to cheat on you

Ja: we've been together 3 years Ellie. You can't just assume that

Bl: you've got 2 weeks to find yourself a boyfriend *laughs* Ameile would love to go on a double date.

E: haha I already love her, don't you worry I will

Ja: no you won't

E: shush Jaden it's just a boy I can hang out with while I'm out with these guys

Ja: as-long as that's what it only is then that's fine

E: thanks I guess

The door opened to reveal the hype house. They took their time. I didn't see Addison which was good I couldn't deal with her shit. I see chase sit with Quinton straight away. My smile soon turned to a frown. Chase didn't look to happy to be here either.

Ja: so the reason we invited you guys here because theirs some things been said about one person in particular.

Thomas: okay what's up?

Ja: when Ellie was here on her second day she was sexually harassed by chase and she has been unable to tell me till today

Ch: what? Are you kidding me Ellie

E: huh?

Ch: no she forced herself on me

Quinton looked down and stood up infront of us all. Great he's gonna make it look like chase is telling the truth.

Qu: look I've been overthinking the past few days since this issue. Jaden I just wanna say sorry and that I knew the whole time. It's true he did hurt her in that way. Ellie I'm so sorry for treating you like crap and sorry for helping Addison for what she did.

Ja: your telling me you knew the whole time and just let us lash out on her this whole time

Th: man I'm so sorry, Chase what the hell is wrong with you

Ch: ....

Bl: just get the fuck out can't even stand to look at you chase, and you Quinton we are taking serious words .

E: no it's okay he apologised and that's all I need I don't need no apologies from chase tho, he did what he did and he can't undo it

Ja: get the fuck out all of you before I beat the shit out of you

Br: Ellie I'm sorry

E: it's okay I should've just been behaving that night it was my fault and I should have told you guys in a better way

Jaden and Bryce hugged me and the hype left.
I went upstairs to shower but I was followed by someone. They pulled my shoulder back and hugged me and I heard sniffles. It was Quinton.

Qu: I'm sorry I didn't know what was going on with me

E: hey it's okay, you were both friends and I can totally understand

Qu: thank you so much for forgiving me. Another question, will you move back in with me and be my roomie again I miss the fun day we had

E: *giggles* yeah sure, I'm just gonna go shower I'll be out soon

Qu: okay cya later

(Had shower)

I go downstairs with my hair still wet and I see commotion going off in the room. Kinda sound like Blake and Jaden

Ja: he kept it from us, do you not understand how that has affected her

Bl: he apologised she took it, your sister means a lot to all of us we take care of her like she's ours I'm sorry Jaden

I walk in and see Jaden look at me. I shake my head at him.

E: JADEN! I promise everything is okay I understand why Quinton did it and it's totally understandable just please don't be mad at Blake and Quinton

Ja: *sighs* okay sorry man I guess if she's fine I should be too

They both hug it out and I make dinner coz these boys will just burn the shit out everything. I made tacos and they were banging I'm surprised with my self to be fair. After we washed our dishes and Jaden put some songs on and my favourite song came on. 'the hills-Weeknd' I was singing and dancing. The boys laughed at me and I sang the whole lyrics. A song I don't like came on. 'Galway Girl- Ed Sheeran' I still danced and everyone joined it was too funny. I have josh permission to put his song on so I started singing to it and it was the funniest thing ever.

We all decided to watch a movie after 100 songs came on. We watched Moana I love the movie. I stood up and grabbed some chocolate I bought at the store and ate it. I'm pretty sure I was still drunk because I was dancing to all the songs that came on Moana.

The movie finished and it was 12pm. We all headed to bed I grabbed my skincare and toothbrush and paste out of the spare bathroom and went back to my own room with Quinton. I washed my face brushed my teeth and climbed into bed. It was freezing. I grabbed a hoodie and put one on and Quinton came in and saw me shivering.

Qu: cuddles?

E: *giggles* yeah it's cold

He got under my covers and cuddled me I felt warm and safe wrapped up with him. I drifted off to sleep and began my dreams.

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