the break up

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A/N: hi guys I'm doing two story's at once so just let me know which one you would like me to finish first rather this one or "Josh Richards little sister" 💞 anyways back to the book


I woke up the next morning of realisation of what happened last night. I'm so over Blake pushing me around and filling the boys minds with lies. I got myself showered and dressed into a cute outfit. I did my light daily makeup covering the hand mark that bruised on my face. I spritz some perfume and made my way downstairs for some breakfast and pain killers. I see the boys give me a look and then look away. I didn't want to make it awkward so I say the most appropriate thing I could think of.

E: uh...morning
Qu: shut up! I don't know why your even talking right now! Why do you think anyone is going to talk to you right now

I feel like I wanted to cry but I couldn't I started to feel rage.

Qu: nope. Your just finding more excuses and they aren't going to work on me
Bl: look Ellie-
E: I'm gonna tell them Blake because I don't appreciate what you have done! Spreading lies like that isn't funny it's both our faults what happened and it was a stupid drunk mistake
Br: tell us what?

I scoffed at him as I pick my nails. Anxiety falling over me. The boys look at me expecting me to say something. My mind was fucked up. I took a deep breath in.

E: me and Blake were talking to each other and accepting each other for being there when we most needed it, we- we uhm kinda shared a kiss our selves it was honestly just in the moment. I pulled away I honestly didn't want it to happen. Anyway the party came and I just started to drink with you guys and Blake pulls me to speak. He tells me how much our kiss grew an affect on him and how I should have felt the same about it. I pushed him away and minded my business but he wouldn't accept that and pulled me again when I just started getting tipsy. He said that I should have felt the spark when we kissed and I said no I'm with Quinton your brother and he didn't want to hear it and pulled me closer but I pushed away and told him to deal with the consequences. Anyway I needed to pee so I go to the toilet but he barged through the door and things lead on from there but me being the drunk I am shut him out and told him that since he got what he wanted to just leave me alone because all of you would hate me and never speak to me again. He told me that two can play that game so he came downstairs and told you guys a bunch of lies to cover up his tracks I didn't touch Kio I promise. He left early with his girlfriend so I don't see how I could have done it when he was only here for 30 minutes tops. I'm really sorry Q I should have been the better person.
Ja: that has taken you a lot of courage to open up, I don't appreciate you either Blake to think it's ok to do things with my sister and try pull her to you she is 16 and your 19 I know it's not a bad age gap but no she's not even 18 herself yet so thank you for telling the truth Ellie
Qu: I want to talk to you alone Ellie!
El: o-ok

We walked outside to the sun beds. I sat down and rubbed my knees. We didn't speak the first 5 minutes. We then started to talk.

El: I'm really sorry q
Qu: I accept it for telling the truth, but my brother? Are you serious?
El: sorry
Qu: I'm sick of you saying sorry Ellie I can't trust you anymore
El: what are you trying to say
Qu: I need space alone
El: your breaking up with me?
Qu: yes Ellie I need space and maybe in the future we can lead ourselves back to each other and I know it's going to be hard because we live in the same house but just try not to speak to me for a while, for now I'm done
El: I understand, maybe this will be for the best, thank you for helping me change but I don't know how long this nice attitude is going to go on for, thanks again q

I took off the promise ring he gave me and put it on his thigh. I stand up and go back to the kitchen. A tear slipped from my eye as I sit and eat my breakfast. I turn and see through the window that Quinton was still sat there holding the ring and crying in his hands. Another tear slipped from my eye and I quickly swipe it away.

Ja: do yo want emotional support or do you need space for a little
El: I'm fine I just need to express the situation and what's happening
Ja: I understand I hope you feel better soon
El: you should say that to Quinton, I know I've fucked up and I feel so bad, we've broke up yes but we are giving each other space because that's what he wants and I'll accept that so it is what it is I should deal with my consequences.
Ja: your getting so responsible and I appreciate you for that and no for this once I won't give you a spanking for those few cuss words you let slip out. I love you Ellie
El: love you Jay.

I give Jaden a hug and sit on the couch and just stare into space as I rest my head on the back of the seat. A lot was going through my mind and I know this was going to affect me a lot but it's my own fault and I blame myself for putting myself in this shit position.

It wasn't long till the rest of the guys got back from wherever they went. They joined me on the couch while I was scrolling through tiktok.

Br: yo Ellie how did that talk go
El: just as I expected, it was a shit feeling but I just need to deal with it
Br: yea it can suck I've been through it before
El: more like back and forth

I hear him laugh and give me a little shove. We were all just having a catch up in life talking about our problems and I really loved these little "sessions".

Jo: hey uh Quinton's been sat out there for a while imma go see if he's ok
Br: ok man, good luck, he might just be as moody as when he first got here
Jo: yea well he's going thru something he wasn't expecting, love is a strong word and he's got a heavy weight on his shoulders right now
El: make sure he's ok from me
Jo: don't worry I'll make him better, therapist Josh is on the way

I give him a little giggle as I sit back down on the couch. Blake wasn't saying anything. If anything he just feels guilty at what he did. I hope he does feel guilt after what he forced me into. He stood up and left the room to his bedroom. I think I need to talk to him but right now isn't the best moment, I just need to calm myself and give my self space and I'll speak to him another day.

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