I love you

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I woke up this morning with Quinton still wrapped around me. His sweater was off and he was shirtless. I tried to get up as quietly as possible but he woke up as well.

Qu: where ya going?

E: gonna go eat wbu?

Qu: yea come on

He grabs my hand and we walk downstairs and see the boys staring at us and Blake smirks at me. He lets go and wraps his arms around my waist. In a friendly way. Jaden comes down and stops and stares. Me and Q were laughing at his face.

E: what's wrong? *i giggle*

Ja: this is too much and moving to fast ok

E: what is?

Ja: this *he waves his hands around*

E: only friends Jaden .... Only friends

Br: we all know what friends leads to. It leads to spooning and then forking

E: Bryce ... shut up

Qu: too much information

We all laughed a little and me and Quinton ate. We started flirting on purpose to annoy the boys. I kept pushing Quinton and laughing. What happened next I was literally fucked I swear.
Q leaned in and we kissed....IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!!! Jaden looked and separated us. I see Blake wink at me. I began laughing at Jaden because he was playfully being annoyed at us. I thought I would get a spank or sum shit but I guess not.

Ja: look Ellie, I'm not arsed about you being in a relationship I just don't want you getting hurt you know. And if Quinton breaks your heart then hes getting fucked up

Qu: I ain't like that, she makes me happy

E: same goes

Me and Quinton laugh and hug each-other. I wrap my legs around his waist and he chucks me on the sofa. He gets on top of me and kisses me.

E: let's stop *laughs* the boys are cringing

Br: young love CUTE

The boys laugh and me and Quinton mess around for a little while. Me and Quinton go upstairs and we sit in our rooms. He pulls a vape out his drawer. I look at him in shock. He was taking hits from it and he was handing it to me to have some.

E: no Q I'm good

Qu: oh come on it reliefs the stress

I pulled it out of his hands and took a hit. My throat stung and I coughed and Q laughed at me. I don't know what it was I was so obsessed with this thing. My shoulders drop as I take another hit. I feel so laid back.

E: stress reliever

I say as Q laughed yet again.

Qu: I love you Ellie

E: love you too Quin

My head was spinning which I think means I have "niccy rush" I threw it back to Q and he chucks it back in his drawer. The bedroom door opened to reveal Bryce and Josh.

Br: yoo wasup just checking your not fucking

E: ew get the fuck out

Jo: what's that smell?

Br: nah fr it smells fruity


Oh shit we are screwed we looked at eachother and soon enough both the other boys came into the room. They could smell the flavour of the vape we had...shit.

Ja: what is that smell, it better not be what I think it is

E: what?

Ja: are you vaping Ellie!

E: no Jaden I'm not stupid

He walked over to the drawer and found the vape that Quinton put there. Blake looked pissed at Quinton and Jaden pissed at me. I don't know why, he vaped at my age because he had depression so ig it's working both ways here

Ja: grounded, both of you, 2 weeks no phone, give it to us now

I couldn't be arsed with this so I gave him my phone and he left along with the others.

Qu:  fucking Bryce and Josh, biggest snitches

E: let's go in their room and get stuff out to show the boys how bout that

Qu: hell yea man

We walked to Bryce's room and searched his room I found something and it was dying of laughter I fell to the floor.

E: omg!!! Xtra small condoms. *laughs* small dick

Quinton laughed with me. We went to Joshes room and we found a vibrator that he probably uses on Nessa. We laughed once again. Going downstairs we couldn't stop laughing at the xtra small condom. We reached the living room where they're all sat. They were all confused.

E: snitches get karma. And it's INSTANT karma

I threw Bryce's condom on the floor.

E: so much for big dick! Why do you have xtra small ones *we laugh*

Br: first off don't go in my room withou-

Qu: joshies little vibrator that he uses on Nessa

We both started laughing but the boys didn't seem too happy about it.

E: guys cheer up it's a laugh

Br: don't go in our rooms and maybe we would be chill, and their girl condoms not mine

Jo: and so what if it is a vibrator, Atleast I get use out of it. Unlike Quinton, he hasn't even fucked his own girl yet

Ja: don't give ideas Josh

Qu: give it to me then I'll prove I can use what I want yea I can please a girl better than you even at 16, chopstick

E: woahh No way

I began to laugh and when the boys didn't notice Q grabbed the vibrator and had a little smile on his face. He showed with his ever to go upstairs and that's exactly what I did. Soon after he comes into the room with the toy.

He locks the bedroom door and lays over me. He kissed my neck leaving his bite marks all over me. I grip on his shirt signalling him to take it off. He pulled it off and I see his soft but fine shaped abs. I couldn't stop staring. He went to my collarbone and I'm telling you he fucked that up. Little moans escaped my mouth and I see him smirking. ( I'm sorry guys that's enough here, you know he already uses it on her)

I pull my outfit back on and make my way back downstairs with the boys staring at us. I smirk at Josh and Jaden, wow he just looks pissed.

Jo: she's not so little anymore

Br: the whole house could've broke with them screams, Jesus

Ja: Ellie can I talk to you please

E: Jaden, seriously it's my life and I gave him consent I'm not a 6 year old anymore. Please no lectures today

Ja: ok fine

I look at the time and it's already 9:05PM I was tired so I made dinner and ate. I went straight to bed and felt the bed sink to someone getting back in with me. They hugged me and my eyes slowly closed as a fell straight to sleep.

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