The new guy

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It's been about a week since me and Quinton broke up and my attitude has been picking back up. I feel today could be a good day but deep down I know it won't be. I took a shower and put on my thick jumper and cycling shorts. I threw a pair of ankle socks on and slides and made my way for breakfast. I see the boys sitting on the couch so I went to the kitchen and I guessed Jaden saw me because he shouted across the room. Making me jump as I'm still tired.

El: can you not yell! My head hurts

Jh: sorry kiddo, theirs a new kid coming over, he's gonna be living here for a while so I hope you don't mind

El: meh...I don't care so it's whatever

Jh: yea okay, please make today a good day please, no bad language

El: what like uhh....fuck....fuck yourself....cunt....asshole....bastard....words like that or you being realistic?

Jh: Ellie please child...have a good day today

He walks away and ruffles my hair. I mock him and drink my smoothie I made. I put it in the sink and sat on the island by myself just to have some time alone till I was interrupted.

Br: meet payton...he's 18 and is a new member

El: nice but who asked

Br: Ey give it up Ellie, I'm sorry your relationship went downhill but let's show this guy how fun this house can get huh?

El: the fuck? Your acctually annoying did you know that! Atleast I don't fuck people and throw them away like they're trash...everyone is being dead ass with you when they say your a fuck boy

Br: go to your room

El: fuck yourself *smiles*

I turn away and go on my phone. All the boys walk into the kitchen and I roll my eyes and try walk away but someone grabs my arm.

Ja: not today! Your sitting down here and getting to know this guy, this whole Quinton situation is over so your okay

I see Quinton shake Paytons hand and they both laugh together and that made me go back in time when we would laugh together and make it like nobody existed and we would have such a great time but's like I don't even know him. I need to talk to him. So I decided to ignore Jaden and talk to him. Right now. I walked over and waited for him to finish his conversation.

El: can we talk?....please

Qu: no? I have nothing to say to you...

El: please? I need to talk to you-

Qu: no...fuck off Ellie I told you I was done I don't want to speak to you, like I said your a slut and I want nothing to do with you

A tear escaped my eye and I walk away and I vividly hear somebody walk behind me and they followed me to the pool garden. The pulled my upper arm back and pulled me in for a hug. I didn't know who it was but I could tell it was Blake. Jeez I missed this. My best friend is at least back to make sure I'm okay. I hug him tighter and cry into his chest. Even though this is partly his fault I would do anything to keep him close so I have somebody to talk to. I walk back inside and go greet myself to Payton.

El: hi

Pay: hi, how are you

El: I'm Ellie, and I'm ok, never been better, but one question, are you the type of guy to let a girl get raped by their own friend and then think it's okay to make her feel like a bad person because if you are then please let me murder you right now

Pay: I- uh I guess I wouldn't do that because that's so wrong. W-why do you ask

El: oh I was just wondering no need to worry

Qu: what the hell are you doing?

El: it's such a shame you see because I really was wanting to be back with you and be happy but let's be honest your gonna get with someone else and don't think I'm stupid I know your talking to a new girl....Cynthia I think her name is but have a great time with her and I really hope she cheats on you because that would make it 2 girls right?

Qu: Cynthia is a friend I don't want to be with her! If anything I wanted to talk to you today but it's only been a week since everything happened but fuck it then if you don't want to be with me then fuck you

He winked at me and started backing to the stairs with a little smirk on his face. So I followed him and proceeded to shout back.

El: well I don't want to talk to you anymore either! You shut me out when I needed you the most in my life and then you throw it all away for another girl called Cynthia like what the fuck is wrong with you!

Qu: you fucked my brother and kissed him and you expect me to be okay with that! Nah fuck you ELLIE!!!

El: no fuck you QUINTON!!!

At this point we made it to the top of the stairs and I jumped on him kissing him passionately then pulled away to talk.

El: fuck I missed you baby

Qu: shhh *he giggles*

El: who's Cynthia I forgot

We both laugh and he takes me into another bedroom we haven't been in before and we did what we needed. And that was it. We sorted things out and now we are back together. Hehe quick make up.

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