Cry a hymn out in Hungarian harmonic

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Sunny along with everyone else left the hidden spot behind the park, and went farther along to hang out away from the Ruffians and their BB gun sniper.

Vance, Kim, and Charlie tended to their wounds inflicted by the BB gun and also by Melvin, in Vance's case.

Mikhael, meanwhile, was "training" with Basil and Angel. Not even I, the narrator, could describe in words what they were doing.

Sunny sat down near on the curb, facing them all. Aubrey decided to sit with him.

"Hey, sorry for dragging you into all this, dude." Aubrey apologized in a relaxed demeanor.

"It's okay." Sunny answered.

Aubrey and Sunny sat in silence for a few moments. Sunny debated with himself about asking his question to Aubrey.

Well, not like I could ask Kel's advice, instead...


Aubrey turned to face Sunny.

"What if... what would you think if... if I was gay."

"It's alright, man. Kim's gay too, I don't care. You're cool with me either way." Aubrey nonchalantly replied.

Sunny hushed Aubrey, "Nobody knows I'm... that I'm gay... or bi... or whatever it is. Nobody knows yet, and I'm... a bit scared to tell anyone. So just... keep it quiet for now. I just want to know what you think I should do about this with my parents."

"Who cares what your parents think? You're you. It doesn't matter what they say." Aubrey responded, in a whisper.

This was the reason Sunny was hoping to ask Kel. Kel had a somewhat better relationship with his parents, so speaking to someone who understood what it felt like having parents that were doting on you.

Aubrey's parents, on the other hand, were... not exactly so caring, skewing her perspective on the value most place on their parents.

Sunny felt Aubrey place a hand on his shoulder. "Just don't worry, Sunny. You'll be alright."

"Thanks, Aubrey." Sunny said quietly.

"And don't worry, your secret's safe with me." Aubrey smiled at Sunny.

Sunny smiled slightly in return. "Thank you very much, Aubrey."

Aubrey jabbed Sunny in the shoulder, "C'mon, Sunny, quit being so formal, ha ha!"

"Incredible progress, Basil! You've lain a finger on me on your very first training day. This is why you're a prodigy!" Mikhael announced while striking a pose, "I'm so proud!"

"Wow, Basil! That took me 2 weeks!" Angel commented in amazement.

"It... what? How did it take you that long?" Basil said with sudden confusion.

"Some people simply are not as powerful as us prodigies, The Synthesizer. Who knows, someday you could even outclass me." Mikhael said while brushing his hair back.

"Wow, you believe in him that much?" Angel said starry-eyed.

"Of course, some day when I'm black and old, I'll be-"

"It's old and grey... not... whatever 'black and old' is." Basil corrected, still in a perplexed tone.

"Ah, shit, it's getting late you guys." Vance exclaimed with surprise after he checked his phone, "It's 4 already."

"Shit, well, we better get going then. See you around, Sunny." Aubrey said running off.

"Bye, Master! Bye Master's inferiors!" Angel waved as he ran off.

Mikhael waved at his friends running off somewhere.

"I'm outta here too you guys, all those plastic sword hits build up a little, even for a mastermind like me, plus it's almost dinner!" Mikhael ran across the street and entered what is assumedly his grandmother's house.

After watching Mikhael run off, Basil and Sunny began walking in the direction of their homes.

"Are you okay, Basil? I saw that kid hit you pretty hard, and the BB hit looked painful too." Sunny asked in a concerned tone.

"It's okay, Sunny. I'm fine right now. Just a little bit dizzy." Basil smiled weakly.

The pair walked in silence. Basil enjoying Sunny's quiet company, and Sunny worrying about making Basil uncomfortable with his silence, but also too nervous to speak.

Sunny walked with Basil to his doorstep. "Sunny, you didn't need to come up to my doorstep, heh."

Sunny shook his head, "I... Well, you said you were dizzy, so... I wanted to make sure you wouldn't trip or anything." He felt his face turning warm. He tried to ignore his brain's intrusive "kiss him" thoughts.

Shut up, shut up, shut up. Shut the fuck up oh my fucking god. Basil please go inside so I can stop thinking about this shit oh my fucking god.

Basil giggled in his usual, adorable way. "It's okay, Sunny. I'll be fine." His smile made Sunny's heart jump.

"Al-Alright, I'll see you around then Bæ-Basil." Sunny cringed at his near mispronouncing of Basil's name.

"Heh, okay then, Sœnny." Basil giggled again. Sunny blushed at the joke, and more at Basil's laugh.

Sunny walked off as Basil went inside his house. He felt like doing something less exhausting than the fighting happening. Even the usual flash game felt like it would take too much.

Sunny entered his house, greeting his mother silently, and then walking to his room to go back to his computer.

The paper Mikhael had when he had first came over was on the floor. He must've forgotten it, or maybe it had fallen out of one of the shallow pockets of his shirt.

The handwriting was extremely difficult to decipher at spots, but Mikhael reading it aloud along with it made it clearer.

Sunny picked up the crumpled sheet, and flipped it over. "Posable ruggians membirs" read the top. Sunny tried to decipher the chicken scratch below. First was the girl with poop beneath scratched out, which below said "comfirned!!"

Following it, was a person who Sunny hadn't seen. A stick man wearing a scarf was shown. Below said "Bichael Xiao"

The details were somewhat illegible, but Sunny could make some things out. "Thinks hes coll. Wers scraf even thou its sumner. Porbably ugly."

The next stick figure was scratched out again, this one saying "unconformed" with a sad face drawn next to it.

The final one was a stick figure with what could only be described as a goth haircut. " Below it was two details.

"Sad. Bad musik tatse"

Sunny took the liberty of recrumpling the paper, and putting it on his side table, in case Mikhael would want it back.

Afterwards, Sunny sat down on his computer, and opened the forum again. Apparently, the thread had 201 new notifications. Sunny clicked on it to make the red number disappear.

"Your post was locked for reason: Too many responses." Sunny felt relieved. No more notifications about UFOs, psychics, or whatever else.

Sunny then clicked on the "Flash Game News" section. One article caught his eye.

"Pokemon Company announces plans to create flash games for future website."

Sunny, being an enjoyer of Pokemon content, was excited to hear this. It reminded him of his old Gameboy's Pokemon Red.

He decided he would grab his Gameboy and see what was in it, just out of curiosity.

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