Business as usual

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Sunny looked to his left as he woke up and immediately had a small smile on his face as he saw Basil. He looked so pretty.

He then realized what happened the previous day and felt his face go pink. His smile didn't fade, though.

I love him so much...

Sunny flinched for a moment as Basil began to wake up. Basil yawned in a way Sunny found adorable, though personally I don't see it. My opinion doesn't make the readers read chapters, though, so I'll keep quiet.

"Hi Sunny." Basil smiled with his face squished against the pillow. Sunny felt as though he was getting heart palpitations from how cute he looked.

"Hi Basil." He smiled back.

"I love you." Basil said happily. He was swinging his legs happily under the sheets.

"I love you more!" Sunny smiled before kissing Basil on the cheek.

Sunny got out of bed and quickly ran over to his shorts, which he forgot were on the bedroom floor. Basil giggled behind him.

"Shush before I start looking through your clothes drawers." Sunny laughed as he threw Basil's shorts over to him. Sunny began to smell something downstairs as Basil put on his shorts in bed.

"What, is something on my wall?" Basil asked with a snicker, going next to Sunny to look at the wall.

"No, no. I smell bacon." Sunny shone a half-smile.

Basil's dimples showed as he made an upset face. "Can I get a good morning hug before you go and eat all the bacon?"

So cute...

"Alriiiiight!" Sunny feigned annoyance and hugged Basil, with a bonus "good morning kiss" on the bridge of his nose.

"Thank you, now at least save me a slice!" Basil said as Sunny immediately dashed downstairs to get his grubby mitts on some bacon.

He didn't actually, like, have mitts on, though. It's just a figure of speech.

"Good morning, Sunny. How was your sleepover?" Marc asked as he fried the bacon with his back turned. His knowing tone made Sunny feel a bit less excited about the bacon. Not enough to make him not want to eat it all, but still.

Regret struck him suddenly.

God damn it. I should've put bacon in my top 3.

Basil arrived downstairs, "Any bacon left?" He asked with a laugh.

"It's not done, so it's safe for now..." Sunny joked.

"Lucky me." Basil rebutted.

The two giggled to each other like teenagers tend to do, except like, more gay than usual.

"You two don't seem concerned about school." Marc spoke with his back still turned. Sunny eyed the oven clock.

"9:37?!" Basil yelped, bringing Sunny's thoughts to word.

"I called you two in sick. You both clearly had a long day yesterday." Marc replied to their shock.

I'm not sure if he knows or not, and the way he keeps talking worries me.

Basil breathed a sigh of relief, though Sunny kept his inside, still wary of Marc knowing if he rearranged Basil's insides or not.

"Oh! Right, Marc, you have to drive me to my friend's birthday party today!" Basil smiled.

"Oh yeah, Mikhael's party, I almost forgot. Was a bit preoccupied yesterday." Sunny said, testing the waters.

"I bet." Marc said in a similarly vague way.

Is this psychological warfare?

"Until then, I'm gonna take you on our first official date!" Basil said, addressing Sunny. "The party starts at 3 PM! Basil vociferated to Marc as he dragged Sunny out the door with him.

"H-Hold on, I need to let my mom know that I'm gonna be out for..." Sunny paused. His mother thought he was at school. Maybe he shouldn't tell her.

"Never mind. Where are we going then, Basil?" Sunny smiled as he held Basil's hand earnestly for the first time in a long while.

"Your smile is so pretty. We're going to a tea parlour I saw before. I looked it up, and it used to be an opium den!" Basil smiled, "I knew that kind of place you'd find interesting, so I think now is a good time to go!"

Sunny blushed before replying, "You can't just say stuff like that out of nowhere. You'll give me a heart attack."

Basil just giggled as a response. He swung their arms happily as they walked. It reminded Sunny of old times.

"You used to be a lot more open to me about your emotions and stuff, Basil. Always telling me your problems and such... you can still do that if you'd like." Sunny spoke suddenly.

The swinging of hands stopped, "No, no, I couldn't, Sunny, I don't want to burden you."

"We're dating, Basil, the biggest burden of all. I signed up for the long haul here." Sunny laughed, "I'm planning on sticking around with you for a long, long time. You won't be getting rid of me by just talking about your problems, babe. I'm a hard bug to squish."

Basil giggled, "Okay, Sunny... I'll try and be more open with you."

"Good!" Sunny kissed Basil's cheek.

"Faggots!" Some man across the street shouted.

"Yeah?!" Sunny shouted back without skipping a beat.

Basil stifled a laugh as the man just stood there confused. "What is it?! Did you need something?!" Sunny continued, prompting Basil to burst out laughing.

"Shut the fuck up!" The man shouted as he stormed off.

"That was weird. I wonder what he wanted." Sunny said deadpan. Basil continued laughing. "C'mon, let's go to that opium den place." Sunny said with a small smile, as Basil continued laughing while clutching his stomach.

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