Chapter 5-Fulfilling Dreams

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Lorenzo's POV
"Enzo" Andrew called out to me and i turned around to look at him

"I never see you at the bar, that too with a drink. What's up?" He asked me slightly concerned and i laughed

"I don't know man i just felt like drinking today" i said truthfully

"On a weekday? Damn mafia boss" he said jokingly and only if he wasn't my bestfriend

"Drew i need to tell you something" i said and he went all alert mode

I took in a deep sigh and told him about Faith and my deal with her

As I concluded my story, i could tell Drew was a thousand miles away from present

"Bro" i said nudging his hand and he looked at me

"Did you tell your father about it?" He said a little unsure and i nodded in disagreement

"He wanted to kill her man, I couldn't let her die like that" i said honestly

"Why not. Since when did you care about other's lives?" Drew spoke like the typical me and that got me to thinking

He was right, i didn't care if someone died but why did the thought of her dying made me so vulnerable that i ended up signing a deal with her offering her that much money when honestly, i didn't even need it

I didn't even need a doctor for that much money, i just needed a reason to keep her close

"Enzo" Andrew called me and i snapped out of my thoughts

"Are you thinking about her?" Andrew narrowed his eyes at me and i let out a sigh

This guy can read me like a book

"I don't know man" i said as i poured myself another drink

"I just want her to keep this a secret. Thats all"

Faith's POV
As soon as i got home, i went inside the room to first hide the cheque

I wanted to tell Luke, but I didn't want anyone else to see it first

After making sure i hid it safely, i jumped in for a long warm shower to wash off all the events from today

After feeling a lot better, i came out of the shower and changed right when i heard unlocking of the main door

For some reason, it scared me and I didn't dare move

Not until Rose called me and i sighed in relief

I made my way to her and she hugged me

"Where did you go?" She asked me worriedly and my heart rate started increasing

I couldn't tell her about Lorenzo, could i?

"I just had to take care of an emergency" i said making up an excuse

"Here's your phone. You left it on the table" she said passing me my phone and i thanked her

We spent the rest of the night talking about lighter subjects which made me calm down

Right before i went to sleep, i texted Luke so i could meet him tomorrow

As the alarm went off on the bedside table, i shrugged in annoyance

"Get up you lazy head" Rose yelled across the room and i sighed in frustration

I am not a morning person at all

But wait, I'm not working today

I instantly collapsed back on the bed but that didn't work when i got a text

I opened my phone to read a text from Luke and all the events from yesterday crashed on my mind like some nightmare

Not feeling sleepy anymore, i got up and went to the bathroom to do my usual routine then walked to the kitchen as the smell of food reached my nose making me drool

"What did you make?" I asked Rose who put waffles on the table right that second

Without wasting a second, i dug into the food and ate until i was full

"Whats your plan for today?" Rose asked me and i told her about my off

"Do you wanna go shopping with me then?" She asked me and i nodded

I have to meet Luke for dinner so i guess i can go shopping

Finishing our food, we got ready and headed out of the house to the nearest mall

This was probably my first full day off in years and I couldn't wait to spend all my money on clothes and shoes instead of books and energy drinks

We shopped for a while until it was lunch time and we headed to a nearby restaurant to eat

As we placed our orders, a sudden call from Rose's phone startled her and she picked it up quickly after reading the name

"Really? Thats great. Yes i'll pick it up" she said excitedly and ended the call

"what was that" i said smiling looking at how happy she was

"I am planning to bring down this mafia person for all his corruption" Rose said to me and i felt my throat going dry

"w-what mafia person" i said as i prayed it wasn't who i was thinking it to be

"Its the one that is all over the news. I don't know his first name i just know his last name" she said and i sighed

So it's not Lorenzo

"whats the last name?" I asked her

"Its Mancini, I'm planning to bring down the Mancini empire" she said as our food arrived

"You're gonna file a case against them?" I asked her astonished

I know she's a big shot lawyer but bringing down a mafia empire isn't easy

"Yes i was trying to get tips on his corruption cases and i just got notified that they received a tip about an illegal smuggling business that could possibly be his" she said excitedly

"And if thats true, then i might be able to get a big lead on them" she said while eating

I felt growing uncomfortable with the mafia conversation and so i decided to change the topic

Thankfully, Rose didn't notice my uncomfortableness and we changed to much lighter topics

After eating, Rose left to meet with her assistant and i went back home

As soon as i got home, i got a text from Luke that he was heading to my house and so i got to changing and cleaning myself

As soon as i heard the doorbell, i ran to the door and opened it to finally see his face

"LUKE" i hugged him as he hugged me back and it felt so good to finally be in his arms

"Hey Love" he said as he kissed my forehead and made his way inside

We spent the next few hours talking as i waited for the perfect moment to drop the news

"So this man said if he can convince his boss, his boss might have me to run his restaurant" Luke said with hope in his eyes and i could see how desperate he was to establish something for himself

He was working as a head chef for three years now but he always wanted something he could call his own and i was so happy to help him

"Listen Luke i have something to tell you" i said taking his hands in mine and he sat up straight

"I think i might be able to help you establish your own business"


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