Chapter 41- Not everyone is meant to be together

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Faith's POV
As Lorenzo held me tightly in his embrace, i could sense his entire body shaking

I softly pulled back a little and saw his face

His eyebrows were knitted, his lips were parted and his eyes were distant

"Lorenzo" i said to him and his eyes met mine

There was so much in them to say

"Faith even though i know it's hard" he started to speak and I didn't like his tone, his tone was pointing to something i didn't want to hear

"i have to do this" he said as i felt his grip loosen around my shoulder

"You're better off without me" he said and i felt my heart drop

"I've given you nothing but pain and constant worry. You encountered so many problems because of me, you don't deserve that" he said, his voice full of guilt

He stood up and took a step back from me

"Let me make things right." He said and my breath hitched in my throat

This can't possibly be his goodbye, can it?

"Lorenzo no. Don't do this" i said to him, my voice pleading

"I have to. I can't be selfish right now- because i really do love you" he said, his voice cracking on the last part

I closed my eyes unable to bear the pain

No physical pain was there but it still hurt. My heart was hurting. My eyes were welling up

Is it really how we were ending?

"I will make sure that you live the life that you wanted, save lives and be happy- even if it means i have to stay away from you" he said, taking another step back

I couldn't breath for a second

There was no way he was doing this.

"Lorenzo i want to be with you" i said to him

"Me too. But if i continue to be this guy and pretend that its not hurting you, then i would be selfish" he said after a moment and I realized I couldn't change his mind

"You can stay here for as long as you want. Cole will be here. When you feel fine, you can walk away from here and be free. The contract between us is terminated" he said turning away from me

I couldn't bear it. I can't lose him

"Goodbye Faith, i will always love you" he said as he headed to the door and I couldn't do anything but follow him with my eyes

As soon as the door closed behind him, i broke down

Lorenzo's POV
as i walked out of the room, a tear slipped down my cheek

God, why was i crying now

I did the right thing. She deserves someone better than me. Someone who actually doesn't risk her life 24/7

I walked out of the place with my emotions being replaced with anger

Because it all was her fault. Tonight i would put an end to it

I got in the car and called Andrew to let him know about the plan and then made my way to the abandoned building

I got there to see Andrew standing in front of the entrance, his hand tucked in his pockets

"Did you talk to Faith?" Was the first thing he asked me

I nodded, unable to form words.

He led me through the entrance and i saw Katalina there with all her minions

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