Chapter 37- The past

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Faith's POV
After Andrew left the kitchen, i decided not to tell Rose about earlier and we carried onto normal topics until a call interrupted us

"Hello?" I spoke after answering

"Faith Winston" the receptionist spoke and I quickly stood up


"We need you to be here right now. One of your patient needs to speak to you" the receptionist said and i furrowed my eyebrows

That was strange.

"I'm on my way" i said quickly and ended the call

"I have to go" i told Rose and quickly headed out of the house

I saw the area from earlier completely cleaned up but Lorenzo and Andrew were nowhere in sight

I pushed their thought aside and got inside the car

I sped the car through the roads until i finally reached the hospital

I got inside to see the receptionist already looking at me

"Room 512- Cole Ricci" she said and it all made sense now

It was a special request

I headed to his room, kind of glad that he was awake now

I opened the door to see him struggling with his shirt

"You had to be on a bed rest" i said closing the door behind me and he glanced up at me, his shirt buttoned halfway

I walked over to him and he stood up, i carefully buttoned the remaining buttons and he smiled at me

"Now lay down" i said switching to doctor mode and he didn't protest

I checked his condition and took the readings, doing a set of tests

"How are you feeling now?" I asked him sitting on a chair beside his bed

"Better" he said

"Thanks for saving me" he said and i smiled

"Thats my job" i said smiling back

No one spoke for a while but this question kept coming to me

Why was he even shot?

"Are you wondering why i was shot?" He said and i glanced up to look at him already looking at me

"Yeah- i"

"You're easy to read" he said letting out a chuckle and i smiled, a little embarrassed

"I don't know honestly. I think I wasn't even the target- it was just a random fight that i happened to be near of" he said recalling the incident and i nodded

"Well I'm glad you didn't get shot on the chest" i said

"Well then- I would've died" he said after a moment and it took me by surprise

How could he be okay with that?

"You're insane" i said looking at him

"Its okay though. I also appreciate that guard you have outside for me- he's real nice" Cole said pointing to the door

"Oh I didn't- Lorenzo did" i said and he grew serious

"Enzo did?" He said and i nodded

He looked around as if not believing what i just said and that concerned me

"Why whats wrong?" I asked after a moment

"I didn't think he cared anymore" Cole said letting out a sigh tilting his head back a little

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