Chapter 18-Complications

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Faith's POV
I sat with Rose until she got exhausted and closed her eyes

I quietly left the room and headed to Lorenzo's room to have a talk with him and hopefully convince him

I knocked on the study door and this time, a response was heard from the other end

I opened the door slowly peeking my head inside to see Lorenzo sitting up behind a huge black table with papers all around him

As he glanced at me, he nodded and i opened the door wider stepping inside and then closing the door behind me

I walked over to him and his gaze stayed at me

"Whats wrong" he said looking at me and my breath hitched in my throat

Knowing that he was THE Lorenzo Mancini was making me so freaking nervous

"I-uh" i started to speak but no words came through

"You wanted to know if i would keep Rose hostage or no?" He said and i looked at him nodding my head continuously

"Um usually i would" he said and i felt my heart drop

I know she kidnapped his brother and attempted to threaten him, but i didn't want her to get in trouble

"But she's your best friend" he said after a moment and i looked at him, confused

"Huh" i said

"If she wants to go, she can go. I am just hoping she wouldn't create problems for me anymore" he said in a casual voice and i felt all the burden from my shoulders being lifted

"Really???" I said in disbelief and he nodded, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips

"Thanks" i said softly and he nodded before i turned around and walked outside

As soon as i stepped outside, i found myself facing Luciano

"Oh hey" he said in his usual cheery voice and it didn't look like this man was being held hostage 2 hours ago

"Hey" i said softly and his gaze turned warmer

"Listen uh"

"Listen i-"

We both spoke but then got quiet

"Let's go to the garden" he said looking around and i nodded

I followed him until we walked over to the back of this building inside a beautifully maintained garden that was currently lit with small garden lights

"So" he said as we came to a stop, turning around

"Listen i just wanted to say thank you" i said quickly and he looked at me

"You saved me there. I don't know why, but i could tell that you were trying to keep me more safe than yourself. You risked yourself for me and I can't thank you enough for that" i said truthfully and he smiled

"I only kept you safe because you're special" he said in a soft tone and that sentence made me feel weird things in my stomach

Oh no

"What do you mean" i said to him and he just looked at me, although his gaze answered all my questions

"Faith?" I heard someone call me and i broke away from the moment

"I have to go" I quickly said and made my way back inside

I found Rose standing by the garden door looking for me

"You feeling good?" I asked her and she nodded

"Yes but i want to go home" she said and i nodded

"You can go home" i said and she looked at me

"What about you?" She said and i stopped short

How was i supposed to tell her?


"You're not coming, are you?" She said and i nodded

She slumped her shoulders as she looked at me

"But why not?" She asked me and I quickly brainstormed answers

"Why can't you come back? Are you hiding something?" She said concerned and i felt a lump in my throat

"Thats because-"

"Thats because she's not allowed to leave" we heard someone say and we both turned around

We saw Lorenzo standing at a distance away from us, his gaze staring me intensely


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