met you under the moonlight.

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"Stupid Arin, stupid woman, stupid dad

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"Stupid Arin, stupid woman, stupid dad..."

Another night ended with Kang Jinae running out of her house in tears after yet another fight with her family.

The familiar feeling of fall weather accompanied the night as the girl shivered walking through a street of closed shops—the road was empty, and the subtle glow from the moonlight only just illuminated the tear stains that littered her pink-tinted face.

"If they knew that they were gonna treat their daughter like this, why bother having me in the first place?"

She rambled as her tears began to build up again. Feeling the slight sting, Jinae quickly slapped her cheeks before roughly wiping her red eyes and laughing quietly at how pathetic she must be looking to anything or anyone that may have stumbled upon ber.

"Huh, how stupid. Gosh, mom... why did you risk yourself to have me when you could've been living here right now happily with dad?"

Jinae mumbled now looking up longingly at the night sky only to sigh sadly, realizing that this night, it was star-less. Again.

The quiet, lonely air was suddenly interrupted when the obnoxious ringtone of her phone rang, and from the melody that played from the small device, a ghost of a smile instantly graced the girl's face.

"Hey girl, where you at?"

Kim Yeri. Jinae's lifeline and one of the only people she truly trusts in this plastic world.

"...In my room, where else?"

Jinae lied. Well tried to because right after, a scoff was heard from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah okay, who do you think I am? There's no way you'd think that shitty excuse is gonna work on me. Plus, Ms.Ahn called me crying 'cause she's worried about you suddenly leaving the house crying, even though it literally happens every other day-"

"Shut up."

"I'm only kidding but like you know it's true. Anyways! You okay? Where you at?"

Jinae sighs for, what seems to be, the hundredth time that night.

"At some random street. I'm walking towards a park right now."

"Do you want me to come?"

Do you want me to come? Something Yeri would always ask on nights like this and never once has Jinae said yes, because why would she? It was currently 1:27 am and the exhaustion in Yeri's voice was so painfully clear, there was no way Jinae would get her to get up from bed just so she could wipe her tears when she cried some more.

"Nah, I'm okay. Go back to sleep."

"Alright, just call me if you need anything and turn on your location, just in case. Stay safe and get home soon, okay? You also need sleep, babe. Talk to me about this tomorrow, love you."

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