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"I'm not gonna' lie, you look like shit

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"I'm not gonna' lie, you look like shit."

That is the first thing Jinae heard as she sits down lazily in her assigned seat next to Yeri. Groaning dismissively, she gives her overly cheerful friend a small frown before placing her head on top of her folded arms and closing her heavy eyes, hoping to sneak in a few minutes of rest before class.

"Don't wanna talk about yesterday?" Jinae hears a soft voice ask gently as she shakes her head 'no' while cracking one of her eyes open, to which Yeri just smiled and turned away.

All was well when suddenly a loud gasp jolted her awake.

"You're lying! I heard they were bad news but they're so hot so I guess it balances out!!"

Yeri continued squealing and chatting with another classmate as she started to unconsciously slap the half-awake girl's arm.

"Yeri, stop-"

"Jinae! New hot boys are coming in today!"

"Yeah, wow, nice, so cool..."

The sleepy girl mumbled mindlessly as she turns her head away from Yeri after hearing a sigh, facing her other close friend, Lee Jeonghyeon.

"Didn't sleep well?" He says gently with a small smile as he secures a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"...didn't sleep at all." a quiet, barely audible whisper of a groan came from Jinae as she sits up yawning before zoning out and blankly staring at Yeri, who was just finishing up her conversation with another classmate all while she was continuing in slapping the sleepy girl.

"Guys! I have new stuff to tell you," Yeri exclaimed turning to the pair that was now looking at her with interest. "Apparently we're going to have four new guys in our class that are all super rich and super hot but I also heard they got kicked out of their old school in Germany? I don't know, somewhere around there but it was because they beat up so many people and nearly killed some of them which is so crazy."

"If that's true why would they get accepted into this school? surely the school wouldn't want people like that," Jeonghyeon questioned. "That's the thing, people are saying that they all come from big-shot families that own basically everything. There's some rumours going around that one of them owns the school so there's no way they would've been turned down."

"They're siblings?" Jinae speaks up after a long yawn. "No, I think their families are just close. You probably met them before at one of your dad's events.," Yeri thinks before smiling slyly, "Actually, nevermind. It's not like you're ever there."

"You think you're funny?" Jinae rolls her eyes as she gives Jeonghyun a disappointed look, to which he mirrored.

"I think I'm hilarious actually, thanks!" Yeri smiled as she teasingly bumps her shoulder with her friend's before continuing, "Anyways, we should probably avoid them."

"No way really? I was planning to follow them around and stick to them and become the bestest of friends with them- obviously Yeri, of course, we should," what feels like the hundredth time today, Jinae rolls her eyes again at her friend before teasingly raising an eyebrow, "But imagine if some of them end up becoming your soulmate, that would be so funny I can't lie."

"Don't jinx it! I would genuinely cry 'cause they're also known to be fuck boys and all that. A big NO for me, thanks" Yeri shivers before turning to her other close friend, "Hyeonie? How do you know someone's your soulmate?"

The boy in question raises his eyebrow, "From what my brother told me, when you make eye contact for a good amount of time or something I don't know, a pain appears on your wrist and a sketch of their name appears. But I'm pretty sure different people can experience different things...."

Jinae zones out after that, the noise around her becoming white as she starts to feel herself nodding off again. Looking up at the clock, she notes how there was a good 10 minutes before class started.

"...nae? Jinae? You okay?" The said individual snaps out of her trance as Jeonghyeon waves a hand in front of her face.

"Huh? Yeah, sorry I zoned out," she says sheepishly before she stands up, "I'm gonna go get an energy drink before I end up passing out in class.. want anything?"

"Nah, just come back quickly or not my heart will wither and die 'cause I'm missing you too much," Yeri exaggerates as Jeonghyeon turns away in embarrassment.

With a deadpan look, Jinae leaves to make her way to the vending machines.

With a deadpan look, Jinae leaves to make her way to the vending machines

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a/n - trust next chapter they'll
have more interactions 💪

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