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Flashback to the vending machines

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Flashback to the vending machines

Sunghoon watches as his soulmate runs away from him, an unfamiliar ache appearing in his heart as he noted how his soulmate looked scared of him.

Shaking his head, he roughly bumps his shoulder with the terrified boy as he makes his way back to his close group of friends, a groan ripping from his throat as Niki throws an arm around the older male.

"Really took your time huh, ice prince?" rolling his eyes and passing him a drink he goes up to Heeseung and flashed his wrist at him.

"Found her."

The older stopped his conversation with Jungwon as he closely inspects Sunghoons wrist with an unreadable expression on his face when a smile suddenly appears.

'Kang Jinae'

Instantly, his hand goes to the wrist with a silver bracelet on it, one with the same name etched onto the surface.

"Looks like you guys got lucky this year. Finally, Jay can stop talking my ear off about scenarios-," the said male throws his jacket at the cat-like boy as he turns to fall asleep once again, only this time with a small smile on his face. Finally, his soulmate.

"Where's Jake?" Sunghoon questions as he takes a seat next to Sunoo. "Probably somewhere with a girl, I don't know," the boy thinks before turning to the older male, "Is she pretty?"

Without hesitation he answers, "She is."

"Oh ho, what's this? You complimenting a girl? That's a first." Niki teases as he raises a knowing eyebrow at Sunghoon before he continues, "To be fair, even if she looked like a troll those soulmate hormones or whatever are probably blurring your vision. They do say that love is blinding."

Sunghoon laughs as he answers back which sparked a bickering session.

Heeseung sat thinking, could she be the same person he was thinking of?

Present time

"Guys..." Jinae whispers shakily as she looks at her wrist, Yeri snatching it again to look at it. "What the actual fuck, Jinae. Thi-this is actually insane, they're insane. How the hell are you going to survive with soulmates like them." The girl cringes as she lets her head fall on the table, Jeonghyeons hand saving her forehead from the impact, as he chuckles warily, "Guess it's karma for you teasing Yeri earlier."

Before the girl could respond, Ms. Jang speaks up after a heavy breath, "O-Okay, class starts in 30 minutes. Do not be late. You four can take the empty seats at the back, as requested."

Heeseung shakes his head, still boring his eyes at the poor girl, as he firmly speaks, "We're taking the seats next to Kang Jinae," the number of gasps heard was enough for Jinae to shut her eyes close. "Jeonghyeon and Yeri are already sitting-", Sunghoon's cold voice cuts the tense air, "He wasn't asking."

𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 | enha hyung lineWhere stories live. Discover now