park sunghoon.

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Jinae's ears fills with noise as she steps out to the busy hallways that are packed with students getting ready to make their way to their respective classes

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Jinae's ears fills with noise as she steps out to the busy hallways that are packed with students getting ready to make their way to their respective classes.

"Morning, Jinae!"

Someone calls out as she smiles in response, straightening up her uniform without stopping her journey to the oh-beloved vending machines. Fortunately, upon reaching the dispensers there is not much of a line so with yet another yawn Jinae joins the queue and waits. 

The hallways were now starting to clear out and before Jinae could let her thoughts wander, a shove pushes her to the side and if it were not for the boy behind her stabilizing her, she would've had her face planted on the floor.

Turning back with a small smile as thanks, Jinae looks forward with a hard gaze only to be met with the back of a tall physique.

Who's this? She thinks deeply but no one comes to mind.

"What's the deal man? Wait in line like everyone else!" Someone shouts angrily which is ignored by the mysterious male who continues to get his drinks without pause. "Who do you think you are-"

Jinae looks with wide eyes as the boy in front of her roughly grabs him by the shoulder when she flinches with a sudden bang! as glass shards now decorate the once-clean floor. The male slowly turns around after having just broken the machine with a cold disgusted glare at the poor boy, who now stepped back, terrified.

"Touch me again and I'll rip your limbs apart myself."

The hallway turned pin-drop silent as everyone held their breathe at the threat.

Jinae stared up at him with wide eyes filled with horror. If it weren't for the situation, she would've appreciated the sharpness of his features as he admittedly has quite the face but the aura around him screamed danger and-


A sudden deafening ring sounded through Jinaes head as the male turned his head causing their eyes to meet. A burning sensation erupted on the girl's wrist as she stumbles back from shock, the male looking at her with wide eyes.


The whirlwind of emotions between the two was intense as they stare at each other in confusion and realization before Jinae cuts it off by looking back after feeling a hand on her shoulder.

"Jinae? Are you okay?" She shakes her head with a crooked smile, "Yeah, sorry just lost my footing for a second."

She looks back slightly only to panic as she sees the tall male, who she now knows is her soulmate, come closer to her.

"Uhm class is about to start, we should all head back," she says hastily, waving goodbye clumsily to the boy behind her as she quickly makes her way back to the classroom.

Not an ounce of exhaustion was left in her body as the air seemed to escape her lungs almost too fast for her liking. She breathed in and out slowly, her hand warm compared to the cool metal of the class door handle as she prepares to go in when she registers the throbbing on her wrist.

'Park Sunghoon'

A small clean mark of a name now adorns her wrist as she stares at it with wonder and uncertainty. Jinae had finally found her soulmate and even she'll admit that she had been waiting all her life for this moment, but then she stops herself after remembering the situation they were in just moments ago.

"Out of everyone, I'm fated to someone aggressive... just my luck."

"Jinae? Why are you not inside?"

Jinae flinches as she whips around only to be met with the confused face of her teacher.

"Oh! Sorry Ms. Jang I was just about to go in..." She smiles awkwardly before opening the door for her and her teacher, going to her seat and dismissing any passing questions from her two friends who looked at her with curiousness.

"Quiet down everybody! Hope you all had a good weekend. Now, the agenda for today is no different so you have some time now to study or do whatever you'd like but before I leave, does anyone have any questions?"

The class whispers as a hand shoots up.

"Yes, Sowon?", "Ms. I heard we were gonna meet some new students today, is that not true?" the girl asks curiously as another round of whispers and chatter breaks out once more.

"Quiet please, and yes I was supposed to introduce them today but they-"

The door suddenly bursts open as four guys enter the now-silent room rowdily. Their carefree attitude and lazy appearance just screamed trouble to Jinae as she looks at Yeri in question, to which she leaned over to whisper in her ear, "They're the group I was talking about,".

Jinae furrows her eyebrows as she looks up when a chill goes down her back as she makes eye contact with a pair of familiar cold eyes that sparked a tingle on her wrist. Park Sunghoon. Looking away, she looks down as she subconsciously started rubbing her wrist which sparked the boy next to her's attention. She failed to notice the other three pairs of eyes on her.

Jeonghyeon gasps as he takes Jinae's wrist and examines it closely, "You found your soulmate?" he whispers and Jinae furrows her eyebrows before her shoulder is pulled back, "What?!" Jinae flinches as Yeri snatches her wrist from the stunned boy.

"Yeri, quiet please. And boys you're late.." Ms.Jang says before she shrinks to herself after the hard glares directed at her, "U-uh please introduce yourselves to the class..."

"Hey I'm Sim Jaeyun, but call me Jake. Pleased to meet you." A boy with a pretty smile says with a wink as a chorus of giggles is heard before the boy next to him speaks up after rolling his eyes. "Jay."

"Park Sunghoon," and right as the name rolls off his tongue Jinae shrinks as her two best friends stare at her with wide eyes. "No. Fucking. Way." the girl whisper-shouts as she shakes her best friend roughly.

"Yeri, stop-" But as Jinae looks up to scold the stunned girl next to her, she accidentally makes eye contact with the last boy in line who looks oddly familiar. With a plastered lip and a cut across his cheek, the stranger smiles as they maintain eye contact; a light throbbing sensation fills her head as her wrist burns as if asking for attention.

Looking down warily at it, she gasps softly as another name tattoos itself on her wrist just under the first name.

"Lee Heeseung, hope we can all get along." the stranger says softly with his eyes still burning into his new-found soulmate.

Finally found you.

a/n - okay shit it's abt to go down now it's time for the fun stuff 😍

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a/n - okay shit it's abt to go down now it's time for the fun stuff 😍

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