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"Just tell me! What did they do to you-"

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"Just tell me! What did they do to you-"

Jinae sighs heavily once again as her two best friends ask her the same three questions and has been doing for the past hour.

"Guys they didn't do anything. I think my body is just so overwhelmed with meeting them all at once and couldn't handle it."

When Yeri pulled Jinae out of class after her nose started bleeding, the girls immediately went straight to the bathroom and then to the nurse's office to allow the tired girl to rest. Jeonghyeon spent some time going to all of the teachers Jinae had today to inform them that she was sick and couldn't attend class, which she never agreed to and was upset at him before he gave her a chocolate as compensation.

Yeri grumbled as she lays her head on the bed Jinae was resting on, "Poor girl... out of everyone you just had to be fated to people like them..."

Jinae smiled as she stares up at the ceiling with an unreadable expression, "Love just isn't meant for some people I guess."

"Don't say such depressing things with a smile on your face." Jeonghyeon scolds as he lightly flicks her forehead.

"Hey you never know maybe they're actually loving people and maybe they'll treat you right-"

Yeri's voice turns small as her two friends turn their heads towards her with a deadpan expression on both their faces.

"Yeah... nevermind."

"Let's get you home Jinae."

Jinae lets her body fall limp on the bed to stop Jeonghyeon from pulling her up. A whine escapes her as she falls back on the pillow, curling into it as a sign of protest.

"I am NOT going home."

"Okay fine then let's go to my house-"

Yeri shuts her mouth and sheepishly looks away as she receives a glare from Jinae.

"Stop using me as an excuse to skip Kim Yeri."

Jeonghyeon laughs while he successfully pulls up the lazy girl into a sitting position, placing her packed bag beside her on the bed.

"Using the government name is crazy... let's at least go to lunch then, it just started. I'm hungry and I'm sure both of you do not want to experience me being hangry again."

Yeri side-eyes Jeonghyeon as she helps Jinae to her feet, the three making their way to the school's cafeteria shortly after.

UPON reaching the large hall, the sounds of excitement, worry and fear echoed off the walls. Students race from behind the trio as they watch rowdy students form a growing circle around something, or someone?

"What the-"

"Oh Jinae! You might want to see what your soulmates are doing right now. I'm in no place to tell you this but be careful around them."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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