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POV: Georgia

Ollie: I don't want to go
G: this is one of the most important matches of my life
O: I know
G: I can't believe you
O: well you should
G: do you even want to be with me ?

It went silent

G: Ollie!
O: just shut up you stupid woman !!
G: your such a fucking asshole
O: fuck you!! Go have fun playing womens football
G: what's that supposed to mean ?
O: oh please you'll never be like the men

I stood there in disbelief

G: I'll show you one day Ollie. You'll see just how much of an impact womens football can have
O: I'm sure you will. You are 23 and wasting your time. I don't want to go watch some women run around a pitch for 90 minutes
G: we're done
O: your ending our relationship because of my opinion !!?
G: if I'm being honest with you Ollie. Football means more to me then you ever will and good luck with your rugby career. Have fun trying to ever make it to a famous club with those injuries you keep getting.


All of a sudden I felt a punch to my face. I started roaring crying.

G: I fucking hate you !
O: good!
G: I hope you tear your other acl
O: good luck playing a sport no one cares about
G: good luck being alone for the rest of your life !

I grabbed bags and started packing my stuff. Once I was all packed I left in my car. I looked in the mirror and see a massive bruise on my face.

I called Keira and told her I was coming over.
Once I arrived at the door I knocked.

K: hey g what's u- WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED !!? Come in

I walked in the house and she sat me down in the sitting room.

I burst into tears

K: what happened g
G: we're done
K: he hit you

I nodded my head

G: he kept saying shit about woman's football and the argument started because he didn't want to come to our final.
K: god that piece of shit

The door opened

L: kei you want some dinner? Oh hey Georgia I didn't know you were coming over

I looked at her: eyes bloodshot from crying and faces bruised. Lucy's face dropped.

L: I'm going to kill him
G: please just stop

Lucy ran over and gave me a hug

L: you can stay here for as long as you want g
G: thank you
K: of course. Is there anything we can do to help
G: no it's okay. I'm going to go get food and let you two have dinner
L: nope you are joining us. It's a family dinner
G: it's okay luce
L: I insist. I've made loads anyways
K: what is it ?
L: Sunday roast. Which happens to be your favorite g
G: thank you luce
L: have you got bags ?
G: yeah I'm the car
L: I'll bring them in for you after dinner now come on let's go

We walked out to the kitchen and ate dinner together. After dinner lucy brought my bags inside and got me settled.

I had a shower and got into bed. This was a long day. I don't know what if do without Keira and lucy. I'm heartbroken over Ollie. I have a bruise and cut on my face. That was not love.

🚩 hello I know this is short but I'm just setting up the story. If you have any suggestions let me know. I'd love to have more ideas. Hope you enjoy this book 🚩

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