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POV: Georgia

Later that evening

G: okay so where do you want to go ?
B: hmmm coffee shop?
G: sure which one
B: are you training tomorrow ?
G: no why?
B: let's go to box to box
G: jill Scott's place
B: who?
G: she's my teammate
B: oh sorry we won't go there then
G: it's a long drive but we can go
B : yay
G: my friend Leah lives in London so I can ask her if we can crash at her place
B: are you sure
G: yeah it'll be our adventure
B: okay I'll go get some stuff. Coke up to my room with me.

We walked upstairs and into her bedroom. It was so comfortable. I laid down straight on her bed.

B: make yourself at home then
G: I will do
B: I mean you will probably in there a lot *wink*

I froze and chocked on my own Saliva. Bella started bursting out laughing

B: oh my god you should've seen your face
G: what
B: because your my friend. I want to see you more often
G: I wanna see you more too
B: good now I'm going to pack clothes then we can go to yours to pack stuff for you
G: I'm living with lucy and Keira at the moment
B: okay why?
G: long story

She ran over and jumped on top of me. She was hugging me.

B: you can tell me when your ready.
G: thank you
B: no problem. Anyways I'm ready to go !
G: let's go then

We walked out to my car.

B: nice car stanway
G: does the job
B: how much are they paying you football players ?
G: most my money come from sponsorships
B: oh fancy. What brand ?
G: like Nike
B: god I forget that your like famous
G: nah not really. Woman's football isn't as big as you think it is unfortunately.
B: that sucks

On the way to lucy's we were playing music and just singing along. I feel so comfortable around Bella. I don't know why.

G: okay here we are
B: ain't this a nice house. Thought you weren't on good wage
G: lucy was voted the best player in the world when she played for Lyon
B: never mind
G: you coming in?
B: um do you think they will mind
G: no not at all come on

We walked in the door and seen Keira and lucy cuddled up on the couch.

G: hey I'm going down to Leah for the night
K: why
G: I'm going with Bella
L: oooo the two lovebirds going on a date and their gonna- oh hey Bella I didn't see you there.

I smacked my hand against my face.

B: yeah your right though. We're gonna go to London and we're going to kiss on the Ferris wheel under the stars and then we will probably head back to Leah's and have some fun there if you know what I mean.

Lucy's face dropped and so did mine.

Keira started laughing

K: I like you ! Your funny
L: what?
K: she's bloody joking

Both Keira and Bella were dying laughing and lucy started to join them. I stood there with a red face.

G: um I'm going to go pack a bag
L: Gowan kid

I left to go pack my bag. I didn't know what to bring so I brought a few things. I walked back into the sitting room and seen them all laughing again. It's nice to see my new friend getting along with everyone.

G: I'm ready
B: okay let's go
L: have fun you two but not too much.
K: be safe and text when you get there please
G: I will bye guys

I hugged them and then left. We had a long drive to London to go.

B: I love how we just decided to go to London
G: I don't even know why we're doing this
B: to have some fun. Get to know each other more. I enjoy your company
G: I enjoy your company too
B: I'm glad you spilled coffee all over me
G: I'm glad your sister is a city supporter

She laughed.

B: you'll have to teach me about football
G: okay but what will I get in return ?
B: whatever you please *wink*

I swear to god I almost crashed the bloody car.

B: so what's the story with you living with lucy and Keira. I know y'all are friends but I know there's more
G: I used to live with my boyfriend
B: oh
G: and we became toxic. He started talking bad about womens football and how it's going to get nowhere. But I'll show him. It's going to be historic
B: it will
G: then he hit me hence the healing bruise on my face
B: I just presumed that was from football
G: no unfortunately not
B: how long were you with your boyfriend
G: I was with Ollie for 4 years. We were fine at the start but let's be real I'm only 23. We were a lot younger at the start.
B: yeah I get you but you still have time to find the right person.
G: I never asked what age you are ?
B: hahaha I'm 21 is that okay
G: yeah of course
B: we'll your not bringing a minor to London
G: thank god
B: so are you straight ?

I went quiet for a second.

B: I'm sorry you don't have to answer that.
G: it's okay. I just don't know what I am yet. I've only ever really been with Ollie but something in me recently has felt different
B: really how so
G: men make me sick

Bella bursts out laughing

B: oh god I've never related to something more in my life
G: so your gay?
B: yeah surprise!!
G: have you been with a girl ?
B: yeah but same as you with the very young part. But if you can survive a lesbian relationship you can survive anything
G: what does that mean
B: some people are cruel that's all
G: okay

For the rest of the journey we talked about our lives and learned lots about each other. It was a nice feeling having Bella around

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