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POV: Georgia

The next morning I woke up and got dressed. Keira asked me if I wanted to go with them to get coffee before training.

I agreed obviously.

I got my bag and we headed to go get coffee.

We arrived at the coffee shop and I put my bag on my back

Keira: why are you bringing your bag
G: my laptop is in it and I'm gonna look at apartments
L: there's no rush g

I was walking towards the coffee shop and had my head down deep in thought. All of a sudden I bumped into someone. Their coffee had spilled

G: oh my god I'm so sorry
Unknown: it's okay don't worry about it
G: no I'll buy you a new coffee

I look up

G: oh my god I've ruined your shirt
Unknown: it's okay I'm only heading back home

I looked up at her face.


G: no here you can have this

I gave her one of my training tops

Unknown: no you'll be cold
G: I've got more in my bag
Unknown: thank you
G: no problem
Unknown: how will I give this back to you ? It's your football gear
G: I guess you'll have to see me again
Unknown: what's your name?
G: Georgia and you?
Unknown: Bella
G: I'll see you around Bella
Bella: I'll see you around Georgia

She walked away in my man city top. Wow

I turned around to lucy and Keira. Both of them with mouths wide open.

G: don't say a word
K: I won't but that was something
L: you've gone so red after you looked at her face
G: I never got her second name
L: oh you looking to get to know her *wink*
G: no it's ..... to get my top. I'm straight
K: okay g whatever you say
G: shut up and let's get some coffee
L: gooooood idea

We walked into the coffee shop and got our drinks. We sat down and I couldn't stop thinking about ms Bella. What a beautiful name. Bella

After we got coffee we headed to training. We met up with all the girls.

G: hey roebuck
E: hey georgia how are you holding up
G: yeah I'm alright
L: she's better then alright
E: what you mean
K: one word ...... Bella
E: what Bella who ?
G: no one. I accidentally spilled coffee on a stranger and I gave her my top because she was wearing a white one
L: and she was blushing
G: lucy stop I am straight! Can't you just respect that
L: we're only joking with you stanway
G: I know but still
E: g as long as your happy I'm happy
G: can we please just train now
E: can't wait to stop all your shots
G: as city's all time top goal scorer I don't think that's going to happen
E: whatever

We did our training in preparation for our match in two days. We are playing against WestHam. I've trained very hard today and it felt nice to do what I love.

After training lucy , Keira and I went back to their house and settled down. Keira made dinner so we all sat together to eat it.

K: how you feeling g?
G: I feel oddly relieved ? I don't know why. I feel free or something
L: it's because your relationship was toxic

Keira slapped lucy's arm

K: lucy!
G: it's okay kei she's right. It really was toxic. He was horrible to me all the time
K: we'll your free now. You can spend time with yourself and figure out what you really want
G: yeah but you know me. I don't like not being in a relationship. I love them.
L: you just love being loved and that's okay. But for now the love your going to receive is from all your friends and family. We love you lots
G: thank you guys. It means the world to me
K: and g you know how much Leah loves you. Your like her daughter
G: she's only 2 years older then me
K: yeah but you know what I mean
G: yeah I do. I hope I get to see her soon
L: I'm sure you will
G: yeah

For the rest of the evening we watched a movie and chilled out. I went to bed and laid there just thinking about my life.

Can't believe I spilled coffee on that girl today. She was nice about it at least. She had nice eyes. Dark brown. She was quite short too.

Okay time for sleep. No more thinking.

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