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POV: Georgia

It's been a few weeks since I've talked to Bella. I took this time to reflect and know what I want.

I want her.

I've a match against united tomorrow and all I can think about is Bella. I need to tell her. I need to apologize.

I went to the shop and bought some flowers and drove to Bella's house.

It's 8:30 and it's dark. As I was driving there it started raining. I didn't text her to tell her I was coming. I just decided I needed to get this off my chest.

I parked up on the street and walked to her door and knocked. Flowers in hand getting soaked by the rain

The door opened

B: Georgia
G: hey Bella I just came here so we can talk

I handed her the flowers

G: these are for you
B: thank you there so beautiful
G: I just wanted to say-

Unknown: babe who's at the door ?
G: oh

My heart dropped. Im going to start crying. I start backing up

B: no Georgia it's not what it looks like

I walked away to my car.

Hope you find peace for yourself new girlfriend ain't gon fill the void.

I started driving away. Tears falling from my eyes. I hate my life.

My phone started ringing. It was Bella. So much for "I don't want anyone else" Bull shit! Im so mad.

I went to the pub and drank. I drove home drunk and walked in the door.

L: your home late
G: your home late (mocking her)
K: hey g- ........ we're you drinking ?!
G: only a few why
K: we have a match in the morning and your drunk!!!
L: what the fuck Georgia
G: we'll I might aswell because I'm going to be lonely for the rest of my life and I'm going to make it nowhere with football. !!!
L: that's not true g and you know that
G: whatever im going to bed !! I love you both

I may be angry but I don't want them to think I hate them.

I got to my room.

G: how could you Bella

I cried

Im in love with you.

Look at me heartbroken by someone who I was never officially with.

I fell on my bed and knocked out straight away.

The next morning I woke up and I actually wasn't hungover. Shock

I got up and got breakfast.

L: how's the head
G: not sore at all actually
L: that's good
G: I'm sorry about last night
L: don't worry about it kid. Why we're you drinking
G: don't want to talk about it
L: we'll your very worked up and angry. You need to calm before the game
G: lucy I'm fine thank you

I stood up

G: I'm going to get ready now. I love you !
L: love you too kid (giggles)

I walked to my room and got changed.

I decided to drive my own car to the game instead of going with lucy and Keira. I can't wait to finally have Bella off my mind and just play football.

I walked into the dressing rooms and was treated by roebuck and hempo

G: hey guys
R: hey g how are you
G: I'm good how are yous?
R: I'm good
H: yeah not too bad
R: how's Bella
G: don't want to talk about it
R: oh why what's up
G: Ellie I love you but I really don't want to talk about it
R: okay moody pants

I threw my bag on the floor and plonked myself down in an angry mood.

Eventually everyone came in and we all got ready.

I was starting of course.

We done our warm up and the game started.

I thought being out on the pitch would help me but I'm still so angry. I'm trying to play normal but it's hard.

The match went on and me and a united player went for the ball. I stuck my foot out and miss read the tackle.


The player was visibly in pain

G: I'm so sorry mate I miss read it

The ref ran over and showed me a red card.
I didn't argue I just walked off the pitch.

I walked into the dressing room and sat down. I put my head in my hands and just cried. I bawled my eyes out.

What have I done ? Everyone is goin to hate me.

I got changed and watched the rest of the match. Once it had finished I walked over to the player I had fouled.

G: hey mate I'm sorry for the challenge I really didn't mean it
Player: it's okay stanway just be more careful you could really injure someone

We hugged after. Thank god she wasn't angry.

I walked into the dressing room with all the players because I couldn't leave yet. I sat back down beside Lauren and Ellie.

Lauren didn't say anything she just gave me a hug.

Keira walked over and whispered in my ear

K: it's okay kid no one is mad at you
G: thanks key

She rubbed my head and walked over to lucy. Once it was time to leave I didn't want to go home just yet. I went to the local forest walk way and sat on a bench there. I come here quite often. I looked over the lake on the other side and it had the perfect view of the water.

I was there for about an hour until I heard a small


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