Chapter 1 - Crash

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Author's Note: This is a gift fic for Sweetheart_era on ao3 for the SW Father-Daughter Appreciation Gift Exchange!

Also, it was partially inspired by the song Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw, so it's a part of the Star Wars Playlist Challenge hosted by Riftwalker on ao3. :)

There are three chapters, and I'll release them weekly on Monday. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

Warning: Obi-Wan is being Obi-Wan.

Vader is occasionally on drugs and being traumatizingly un-Vader-like. Also, he's trying very hard to be nice, but he's not quite sure how to be anymore. :P

And Leia is done with the universe and needs a hug. (Well, so does her dad. :D)

Also, there's a lot more to the story than I cut out because it was supposed to focus on Vader and Leia, so hopefully it doesn't feel jumpy. :P

~ Tirana Sorki

"We're twins?" Leia repeats slowly, disbelievingly.

"What?!" Luke echoes, equally shocked. Leia turns, staring at the blonde-haired boy. She felt a connection towards him from the moment he came into her cell on the Death Star, but she had no idea what it meant. There hadn't been time to think about it either.

Twins. They're siblings. She has a brother.

"You were separated at birth to ensure your safety," Ben explains.

"Why?" Leia asks, frowning, "Why wouldn't it have been safe?" She's still reeling from the information, and it's easier to think of that right now, than about – about –

(Alderaan explodes again, in her mind's eye, and she struggles to bury the image.)

"Your father was strong in the Force, and if the Emperor knew of your identities, it would be dangerous."

They have the same father. Biological father, that is.

Wait, and Luke's last name...

"Who's –" Leia starts to ask.

"Anakin Skywalker," Luke interjects, sounding just as mind-blown, "He and Ben were... friends."

"Oh," is the most she can come up with. She still remembers with vivid clarity what Ben had told her about her biological parents. It was important to her, even if she was perfectly content with the family she had.

Of course, she knows who that is. He's famous, even if most information about the Jedi is lost now. Her father knew him personally, and she's heard a lot about Ben and Anakin. But he's dead now. Suddenly it makes sense why Ben always talked about her parents with an underlying note of pain.

"If you're alright with talking about it, I'd like to know more about him," she says.

Ben nods. "Later. For now, we had best focus on the evacuation." He shifts, frowning, and it reminded her often of what it was like ten years ago, when he was sensing something with the Force. "We must move quickly, before the Empire shows up."

Leia nods resolutely.

The Rebel Alliance survived, but barely. If Luke had taken only a few seconds longer to blow up the Death Star, Yavin and the hope for the galaxy would be space dust. They need to get out and fast.

After that –

There is no after. The true weight of it, the agonizing desperate denial, doesn't hit her until that moment. There is no after because Alderaan is gone. She can't go back home. There is nothing but the Alliance for her now.

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