|Two: Family Troubles|

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Olivia was sitting at a table nearby in the cafeteria, and she had her rather handy pair of headphones that, were firmly on her head and over her ears to try and block out the thoughts of everyone in the cafeteria.

Only to realize that she was hearing something, painful thoughts from the familiar face that her brother had once dated. Yolanda Montez, Olivia remembered as she turned around in her seat to see the jocks led by Henry going toward her table.

"Do you guys smell that? Do you smell something?" Travis asked and his thoughts were along the same line as his words, when Olivia left her tray on the table, as, she started walking to the scene.

"Smells like slut." Henry said as he was leaning forward on the table as he looked over at Yolanda, who was doing a lot better of a job than Olivia was expecting at keeping the emotion inside. "Take any new pictures that you'd like to share with us?"

"Leave her alone, Junior." Olivia's voice carried across the cafeteria, just simply because no one had really ever heard her speak before. Henry turned around to look at Olivia as she walked over. "Quit it, Henry, I mean it." Olivia warned him, looking him dead straight in the eyes and Henry stared at her in response.

"Buzz off, Olivia. This isn't even your business." Henry said as his eyes were flashing.

"When you start bullying people for things, that you were the complete in my mind, original cause of, it does become my business." Olivia shot back and Henry pushed her back a step or two.

Before she knew it at the force, it was Olivia's telekinesis that lashed out and sent him onto the floor in a surprised state of awareness. Henry looked up at her in a stunned silence, before she was walking away from the scene and she slipped her headphones on again.

"Nicely done." Olivia looked up to see the two people that she could actually call friends in the school.

Kiara and Joey Zarick, a nearly completely identical set of twins who were nearly famous around the school for their magic tricks and of course, being the children of the Councilman William Zarick.

"I don't really know what I was thinking, calling out my brother in front of half the school." Olivia said and Kiara shrugged a little with a grin on her face.

"Well, if you hadn't stepped up and done something, then I'm sure that eventually someone else would have done it." Kiara said and she looked at someone coming up behind Olivia. "I will talk to you two later. Hey, Rick."

Olivia looked ahead to see that Kiara was walking alongside Rick Harris, a teenager who was known as the school's resident delinquent.

But very clearly, Kiara didn't care about it. "So, Joey, what's your newest magic trick?" Olivia asked to get over the awkwardness that had been just generated by Kiara's departure.

To cover it up, Joey eagerly started talking about the newest trick in his magician's pocket, and Olivia was now actually finding it in her for a real smile.

Unfortunately for her, Olivia was found by Principal Bowin and she was in detention.

Right along, with the new girl that had been sitting next to Yolanda, Rick Harris was carving something into a desk with a knife and Kiara had been dragged into detention, although for what, Olivia couldn't say.

Olivia was resting her head on her arms as she waited for detention to be over, not that she had anywhere to be really and finally, she was released out of detention. "Hey Kiara." She said and Kiara turned around from where she was headed off to walk home. "If I dare ask, what did you do?" Olivia questioned and Kiara laughed a little.

"I tried to get Rick out of his detention... but only succeeded in landing myself in detention." Kiara admitted and Olivia was laughing a little, as they went their separate ways walking.

|The King Residence|

The second that Olivia walked through the door of her house, she felt it coming as her dad's psychic attacks hit her like a knife. "Dad... Dad, what did I do?!" Olivia asked as she choked on the pain.

"Why did you attack Junior at the school?"

"He was bullying another student, I couldn't let him do it! I didn't mean to use my abilities, but he tried to attack me and insult me. My mind took over and my instincts went into overdrive, it hurts!" Olivia pleaded and the pain in her head lessened as she sobbed at the relief that she felt. "I'm so sorry, Dad, I didn't mean it." She whispered and her dad walked over to her as he moved his arms around her for a hug, which was rare enough as it is.

"Do you have any homework to do tonight?" Henry Senior asked quietly out loud and Olivia, she nodded very quickly. "Go to your room and do it then. Junior, he is going out with his friends." Henry Sr stated and Olivia's eyes shone briefly, before she walked up the stairs and to her room in quiet silence.

It was a few hours later when Olivia found herself taking care of Henry Jr's wounds, when he had come home looking like he was beaten up by a lot of gang members. "Henry, what the hell happened?" Olivia asked.

"Oh don't pretend that you care..." As he tried to move away, Olivia caught a hand on his wrist and he looked a bit surprised, as if it was her strength that shocked him.

"Henry, just because we disagree on things... you're still my brother, I can't believe that you think that I don't care about this." Olivia said and Henry's eyes were looking into hers. "Our dad has done the same things to each of us for years, Junior, I can't... I honestly, I can't do this on my own." Olivia whispered and at the words, Henry moved his arms around his sister.

The two of them were hugging in a brutal silence as below them, Henry Senior was leaving their residence to go and do lord knows what.

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