|Seven: Not What It Seems|

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"Hey, what's going on?" Olivia asked as she walked up onto the porch of the Zarick family farmhouse, as Kiara was flipping her wand from hand to hand. "Kiara, you can't just tell me to come out here on a weekend and not tell me why..."

"I do need more training if I'm going to take down whoever killed my father and I think that with your abilities, you could be a big help in boosting my training." Kiara blurted out loudly as Olivia looked at her with a grin.

"Well, why didn't you say so?" Olivia asked with a smirk as electricity suddenly crackled and the air was heating up with the smell of ozone. Olivia threw herself to the side to avoid the lightning and when the next strike came at her, Olivia focused directly on it and a bubble of power surged out from Olivia and the lightning crackled loudly against the barrier, but it didn't break through.

"How the hell can you do that?" Kiara asked and Olivia shrugged a little bit, as Kiara smiled at the sight and the lightning dissipated.

"I don't know really. Most of the time, my instincts just take over and I just focus on expanding the bubble that I already have protecting my mind. Sometimes the bubble is visible, other times it isn't." Olivia explained and Kiara looked up, as electricity sharply crackled in the air and the smell of ozone was stronger. "Who is that?" Olivia asked as a truck was pulling up.

"Matt. We have to go inside. Now." Kiara said and Olivia looked at her.

"Why?" Olivia asked and Kiara's sharp mental defenses, they had gone right back up and Kiara was already jogging back to the house.

"Kiara, hey, what the hell is wrong with you? What is going on?" Olivia asked sharply and grabbed onto her friend's wrist, as Kiara didn't stop and flung Olivia into the house and Kiara slammed the door after them both. "What the hell?"

"Look, Matt is trying to find Rick. If he finds Rick, god only knows what he'll do. He thinks that Rick is with me." Kiara said and she flicked her wand at the door quickly as multiple extra locks were being added to the door.

"Is he?" Olivia asked and Kiara said nothing in response to that. "Kiara, I can't help if I don't know all of the information!" Olivia shot at her friend and Kiara sighed.

"He figured it out." Kiara said, but she wasn't talking to Olivia and Olivia raised her eyebrows as footsteps came down the stairs. "You would think that he wouldn't care." Kiara remarked bluntly as Rick raised his eyebrows at the suddenly large amount of locks on the door. "I'll explain later."

"Well, it looks like he does care." Olivia pointed out rather unhelpfully and the two of them looked at her. "Anyone want to clue me in?" Olivia questioned and Kiara flinched at the sudden sound of banging on the door. "I can send him away." Olivia said and Kiara shook her head.

"You two stay inside the house... and out of sight." Kiara said and Rick went into the kitchen at the words while Olivia backed up to stand behind the couch. Kiara unlocked the door and she opened it, as she walked out onto the porch. "What the hell do you want, Matt?" She asked coldly as she shut the door behind her and Rick pressed his ear against the door to listen. "No, he's not here. So get the hell off my property and stay off of it." Kiara shot back at whatever shit Matt was saying as Olivia crept closer to the door to listen.

Olivia could feel sharply as Kiara's temper was rising and Matt was making the mistake of harshly now snapping at her, but Kiara was keeping her cool... barely.

Olivia unlocked the door and she pointed at the kitchen, where Rick backed up into it and Olivia walked out of the door.

"Go home Harris, he isn't here."

Olivia's words reverberated through Matt's skull and Matt's eyes widened in pain, as it was easily her mental voice that tore through his brain and smacked down his walls.

Matt took off running quickly back over to his truck and he took off down the road with his tires squealing, as Olivia let him go and he was driving until he was long gone.

"I had that." Kiara said and Olivia looked over at her. "What, Livvy, I did!" Kiara exclaimed.

"Yeah, okay Zarick." Olivia humored her friend's words and swift she made a pushing motion toward the door and the front door flew open, only for Olivia to hear a crack and a loud grunt. "Oh man." Olivia said grumpily and Rick was holding his nose, which presumably had made the crunch.

"Don't stand behind the door when we have a telepathic and telekinetic teenager in the house with us. Duly noted." Rick muttered as his nose wasn't broken, but it was bleeding and Olivia looked over at Kiara, who went inside to get the first aid kit.

"Or just in general, don't stand behind the door." Olivia said bluntly.

"Oh, just go away." Rick muttered and Olivia shook her head at the words, as she shut the door and Kiara had made the locks disappear off of the door with a flick of her wrist.

Olivia glanced over at Kiara, who walked back into the room with the first aid kit. Rick sat down on the couch as Kiara was fixing his nose and Olivia was walking up the stairs.


"You okay?"

"Do you care? Or is your boyfriend taking priority for your care at this moment?"

"Don't be like that, Livvy, please, I already just feel bad enough as it is about this."

"You should have told me that Rick was here before I showed. I could've been prepared for Matt, I could have helped more. Instead, you let me be blindsided and I had to think on the fly..."

"That's where the challenge lies and where it comes from, Olivia. You're a telepath and telekinetic, you hear the thoughts of everyone and everything all around you. Of any of us, you show know how to improvise and to think on the fly, it should be your power not mine."

"I have so many plans for a damn reason, Kiara, they help me survive when there is nothing else. You wouldn't understand, your family was practically perfect in every way. But mine is nothing but whispers and mental torture!"

"Go to hell, Olivia."


Olivia sighed and she felt Kiara's mental barriers go up again, as she was walking back down the stairs and Kiara was pointedly ignoring her. "See you guys at school." Olivia offered but neither of them responded, and Olivia got a nasty glare from Rick as she was walking out of the house quietly.

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