|Five: Funerals|

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Olivia looked at her phone in shock and she looked at Henry, who read a shocked expression in her face.

"Livvy, what's wrong? You're acting like some person you knew just died. What is it?" Henry asked and Olivia swallowed.

"Joey Zarick and Mr. Zarick are, both.... dead." Olivia murmured and Henry's eyes widened at the words, as Olivia swallowed again. "I need to talk to Kiara." She said softly.

"But what about Dad?" Henry asked and she looked at him like he was on drugs.

"Dad is still breathing! Her father Councilman Zarick and her brother Joey, her twin brother Joey, are both dead!" Olivia said and Henry saw her point quickly, as Olivia grabbed her jacket and she took off running toward the door to the stairs.

Olivia caught the bus and jumped off in front of the Zarick household and she had no hesitation at all, about landing on the ground already running as she took off up the stairs and she skidded to a stop. Kiara Zarick was silently sitting on one of the deck chairs, as she stared out at the busy street. "Kiara?" Olivia asked hesitantly and Kiara looked over at her, as Olivia saw tear tracks on her friend's face. Olivia walked over and Kiara stood up, as Olivia gave her a hug. "I'm so sorry." She whispered and Kiara hugged her in response.

"I don't know what... Mom and I just inherited and now... now we're on our own." Kiara whispered and Olivia nodded a little, as she carefully went into her friend's mind and her memories were being brought to the surface.

Happy memories of Kiara, her dad and Joey along with her mom. Laughing and smiling, while Kiara, Joey and their dad all performed magic tricks for Denise, who smiled and clapped with a bright, legitimate smile on her face as they performed their tricks.

"That is... that is you doing it." Kiara realized and Olivia sighed heavily, as her friend was backing away from the hug and Olivia nodded a little. "How?" Kiara asked and Olivia shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. I just started having migraines when I was really young, like three years old young, and when my mom died, it developed from migraines and severe headaches to full on telepathy and telekinesis." Olivia admitted as she felt terrible for leaving out the fact that it was due to her father having it first, but she was absolutely sure that he wouldn't like it that she revealed it to her friend.

"Can you show me it at all? The telekinesis?" Kiara asked and Olivia looked around for a moment or two, before she focused on the chair that Kiara had previously been sitting on. The normally sort of heavy deck chair was lifted up into the air. "Holy fucking shit." Kiara whispered as the chair rotated in the air and then was lightly placed back down. Kiara turned back around to look at Olivia, who didn't look like she had done anything at all. "You okay?" Kiara asked and Olivia was smiling.

"I appreciate the concern, but I can lift around the equivalent of 200 tires with my mind almost all at once. The chair isn't going to hurt me." Olivia admitted with a grin and Kiara chuckled a little, before her mind flashed over to what she could do with her wand.

"Wait, your dad and you also have powers?" Olivia questioned and Kiara looked at her in shock, as Olivia winced at the look on her friend's face. "Sorry... also capable of mind reading, remember?" She mumbled and Kiara nodded a little.

"Cool. But also, stay out of my head please." Kiara said bluntly and Olivia nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm kind of used to people not knowing." Olivia admitted as suddenly, Kiara's wand zipped out of her sleeve and Olivia studied it from all sides.

"Hey." Kiara said at once and her anger burned brightly, as she grabbed the wand back and her eyes darkened at Olivia. Olivia backed up, as her eyes were uncertain and Kiara sighed. "I... sorry." Kiara murmured as Olivia was nodding.

"I get it." Olivia murmured and she looked up, sensing someone else that was coming closer. "What's Rick Harris doing here?" She asked and Kiara snorted.

"Your ability must come in handy whenever you are just trying to avoid people." Kiara noted as Olivia turned around to see Rick walking toward the porch.

"Yeah, but in crowded spaces... it's a fricking nightmare. Anyways, you've got company. Ooh, are you two dating or something?" Olivia asked.

"Stay out of our heads." Kiara reminded her and Olivia grumbled a little, as she walked past Rick and she picked up her bag again. "Hey Rick."

Olivia slipped her headphones over her ears to drown out the noise as she was getting back on the bus again, to get back to the hospital.

She waved at Kiara, who was clearly already talking to Rick who had gone out of his way to talk to her apparently, considering he lived out in the countryside around the farms.

Olivia smiled a little bit at what seemed to be the genuine connection between the two and she was shaking her head. "Man." She murmured as she got off at the hospital stop and she went back inside to go and see her dad and her brother.

Not expecting much change, not getting her hopes up as she learned was a real quick way to heartbreak.

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