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Mias POV:
'Hey, I'm home, wake up.' A soft voice said, climbing into bed besides me and turning on the small table light.

I froze, my eyes suddenly wide as I realised it was bright enough for him to see me. I rolled over to face him, pulling the blanket up around my neck and covering myself, non suspiciously.

'Hey.' I yawned.

'Are you okay? When did you fall asleep?' He asked, beginning to get undressed, hanging his tie over the chair.

'A few hours ago.' I responded.

'We did what we had to do, so we got the night train back. I promised you'd not sleep a night alone.' He said, climbing into bed besides me and lifting up the quilt.

He looked at my neck once and then twice, the first time most likely assuming it to be a shadow. He reached forwards, pushing my hair to the side and running his finger across my red neck.

'What happened? What did you do?' He asked slowly, pulling back the duvet and sitting up, finally getting a chance to look at my hands too.

Arthur burst into the room, saving me from Tommy's questions, but creating more in the process. He grabbed at the doorframe, as if catching his breath.

'So? Did it go well?' He asked, looking between us both, his face dropping when he realised his drunk mouth had ruined it all.

'Arthur, you need to leave.' I said, slowly.

'Did Alfie do this to you?' He asked, pointing his finger at me, noticing the same marks Tommy was assessing.

'Alfie? What the fuck has Alfie got to do with this?' Tommy asked, standing up and reaching for his shirt.

'Tommy, please just get back into bed.' I sighed.

'Either you tell me exactly what happened to you, or Alfie can. Family meeting, now.' He responded, throwing his shirt back on and leaving the room.

Arthur looked between me and the door, guiltily, knowing he'd caused this. It was 4:30am and none of us had slept much at all, and there was no doubt Tommy would keep us awake until he'd created an exact timeframe of the night.

I got out of bed, wrapping a blanket around me and heading into the living room, taking the seat closest to the fire and warming myself up, the icy morning making the entire house chilly.

Tommy began banging on doors, shouting for everyone to wake up instantly and meet him in the main room. Isaiah was the first out, and his expression changed to fearful, when he saw me sat infront of him.

'You know anything about this, Isaiah?' Tommy asked, pointing at me as if I was the one in trouble.

'Nobody knew anything, Tommy. I snuck out.' I interrupted.

'Arthur seemed to know quite a bit.' He said, extremely hostile.

'Look.' I began, standing up.

'Sit down, I'll hear from you last.' He responded, dismissing me, sitting on the edge of the sofa and waiting for the rest of the family to file into the room.

Polly was next, rolling her eyes when she saw the face on Tommy. I saw him narrow his eyes at her, but he didn't say a word.

'Fuck.' She mumbled, lighting a cigarette and pulling out a chair.

Finn, Michael and John were last, Finn stopping dead in his tracks, frozen in fear when his eyes wandered around the room. He was the only one who truly didn't know what had happened.

It took John a second to register, but he rushed forwards, kneeling down infront of me and lifting my head up, assessing my bruises.

'Hey, what the fuck happened?' He asked, checking me over, holding his hand out to Polly, waiting for her to pass him the cream.

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