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"She is no more... Time of death... 6:30pm... April 28, 2022..." The doctor announced with a low tone...

"No... No... No... Doctor!!! Do something... Do something... Please do something... Give her some treatment... She can wake up... She is just asleep... Sana!!! Sana!!! Sana!!! Wake up... Please wake up... See I am here your bunny is here... See... Please open your eyes... Please... Sana!!!" The room is filled with his sobs... As we all saw the heart breaking moment infront of us...

"Unniee!!! What happened to you??? Why are being this way??? Wake up... Please... Eunhi is crying... She is asking for you... Get up naa... Unniee!!!" I am not able to stop my tears...

Just like that... The room is filled with their sobs... Losing a loved ones is always hard... And if they are young... It will be more harder... Some may plan a future with them... Some may want to become old with them... Some may want them to be their side forever... As if it happens...


"Jungkook!!! Where is he??? He didn't come home for the past 4 days... What is he thinking about himself???" My aunt said worriedly...

"Maybe he is wishing that his loved one will come back for him... Still sitting beside her grave and mourning for her... It's hard to accept the truth... That's a fake hope..." I thought still thinking about my sister's death... As it clenched my heart...

"He may not be a husband right now... But he is a father... Did he forget that???" My uncle exclaimed...

The house is filled with Eunhi's cries for her mother... Maybe she is missing her too... Who can tell a three month old that her mother would never come back...

As we are all talking... The person we are talking about came home all drenched in mud and rain... Coldly maybe sadly...

"Jungkook!!! What do you think of yourself??? Where are you these days??" My aunt asked him seriously while Jungkook stopped at his place.

"There is no one here for me to come home..." Jungkook said coldly.

"Jungkook!!! She is no more... I am not asking you to move on... But you have a daughter... Did you forget that??? She already lost her mother... She needs her father right now-" my aunt was cut by Jungkook.

"No!!! She didn't lost her mother... I lost my wife... Due to her... Due to this monster..." He said shouting and walked past to me tried take the baby from me... Furiously... As if he is going to kill Eunhi...

"Jungkook!!! What are you doing??? What did she do???" My uncle came in between us as I stepped back in fear...

"Because of this baby I lost her... My love... My wife... If only she didn't give birth to her... If only she didn't get pregnant... Sana would be with me... right now..." Tears started flowing from his eyes...

"It's not her fault... That Sana died... Don't be like this Jungkook..." My mom interfered.

"I don't care... Just don't bring this monster infront of me... Otherwise I will kill her with my own hands..." He shouted leaving all of us in shock as he went to his room.

His love towards his wife... His hatred towards his daughter... Changed everything in my life... And pushed me to the edge of a cliff... As our fates intertwined...

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I will upload the next part if you give me 10 votes... See you soon babies ✨


Forced marriage // professor husband //JJk ffWhere stories live. Discover now