Chapter Ten ~ "Come on, lover boy"

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It's been 5 days since the boys left me in London. I assume by Reece's constant texts, that probably cost him a fortune, that they're doing okay.

I miss Charlie loads, it's not the same with Mia around all the time. She seemed to have moved on from Charlie quickly though - to the next "lad" she met. She met him outside Nando's last Saturday on a girls night out with I wasn't invited too, as per usual.

"Leah?" Mia asked sweetly, rolling over slightly on the beige sofa as she stared up at me with her huge cerulean eyes.

"What?" I sighed, glancing over at her pleading face as she lay nonchalantly across the sofa.

"What are we going to do today?" She asked, pouting her bottom lip out slightly and pushing herself upwards so her head was leaning softly against the back of the sofa.

"Town?" I asked, locking my phone and throwing it to the opposite side of the sofa.

I watched her nod and toss her auburn hair over her shoulder before I felt the sofa vibrate and my familiar FaceTime noise ring around the room.

"Is that Charlie?" Mia asked, she sat up-straight with her eyes wide open.

I shrugged effortlessly and reached over for my iPhone. I held it face up and slid across the bar to unlock it. I was waiting for it to connect before Charlie's beaming face appeared across the screen.

"Leah!" He chuckled, moving the phone slightly away from his face so the boys could jump into the view.

"Hiya!" I laughed, holding the phone in my left hand and raising my right hand to wave at the 7 beaming boys.

"Hey!" They all chorused, Charlie waved the phone around the room to capture every hello.

"How's Bermuda?" I smirked, getting up off my comfortable position on the sofa and carrying the phone to the kitchen.

"Amazing!" I heard Casey's voice raise of the babble of voices.

The boys chorused in cheers and wolf-whistles before focusing their attention back to me.

"What was that all about?" I laughed, retrieving my bottle of water from the fridge and returning to the phone.

"I'll tell you when I get home" Charlie sniggered, positioning the phone so only his beautiful face was in sight.

"Mia with you?" He asked, the smiling slipping slightly away from his face.

"Uh, yeah...she is" I paused, rubbing the back of my neck slightly and smiling sweetly at him.

"Oh okay" he sighed, staring around at boys for a few seconds, taking in his surroundings.

"Charlie?" I laughed, snapping him out of his concentration.

"Huh, what?" He asked, snapping his head to stare at me.

"Do you want me to go?" I laughed, tossing my hair over my shoulder and beaming at Charlie's rosie face.

"No, it's alright. Tom was just arm wrestling James" he laughed, tilting the camera to the side to show James and Tom with their arms wrapped around each other's in a heap.

"Hello, Leah!" James panted through gritted teeth as he tried to release from Tom's grip.

"Hey, James" I laughed, creasing at his attempt to be strong.

"Where's Reece?" I asked, as Charlie's face reappeared on the screen.

"Oh, did you not want to talk to your best friend?" He mocked, clutching his chest.

"Obviously" I laughed. "But you're attention is more on James and Tom and I want to talk to Reece" I giggled. I adjusted Charlie's hoodie, which I'd " borrowed" ages ago, and smiled at Charlie.

Charlie nodded before yelling across to Chris: "Chris, Where's Reece?"

I heard Chris mumble something about the shop before Charlie held his index finger up to the screen as a signal for me to wait.

I waited for about 3 minutes, listening to the mumbles and cheers from the lads before a smiley Charlie returned with Reece.

"Found him" Charlie grinned, holding his hand under his chin in sass.

"Hello, love!" Reece beamed, walking closer to the phone.

"Hiya!" I beamed, waving softly at Reece.

"How's England?" He laughed, taking the phone from the side and wandering towards what I presume was the kitchen.

"Same as ever" I sighed, taking a sip from my bottle of water.

"I wish you were over here" Reece frowned, staring into my eyes. "The weather here is amazing".

"Alright, no need to rub it in Bibby" I giggled, pulling a strand of hair away from my face and tucking it behind my ear.

"It's true though. I do wish you were here" he sighed, sitting down on the nearest chair and flattening his hair because he knows that's how I like it.

"I wish I was there too, I have no one here without Charlie" I sighed, resting my chin on my hand and tilting my head to the side to stare into Reece's beautiful eyes.

"We're home soon, love" He chirped, trying to brighten the mood.

"I can't wait. Are you staying at Charlie's for a bit?" I suggested.

"I wasn't going too but I miss you too much so I think I might" he smirked, running his fingers through his hair again.

"Good" I winked.

"You're beautiful you know" he grinned, earning a chorus of awe's from the boys.

"Shut up, Bibby" I giggled, my cheeks tinting a light pink.

"It's true" he whispered, trying to get rid of the boys who were suddenly in the camera shot.

"Come on, lover boy. We have to go rehearse" Jake laughed, pinching Reece's cheeks making him blush.

"Bye, Leah!" They all yelled, waving frantically at the camera - James blew a kiss and Jake winked.

Charlie took the phone out of Reece's hand as he grinned frantically at me and apologised for not talking to me enough before he hung up.

I stood staring at the blank screen on my phone for a few seconds before taking it off the counter and shoving it into my back pocket, returning to Mia.

"You were out there for ages" Mia whined, she sat with her legs crossed and the TV remote in her lap.

"Oh sorry, mum" I replied sarcastically, holding my hands up in defence.

"Do you want to go to town then?" I shrugged, standing awkwardly under the door frame.

"Yeah, come on then" she smiled, picking herself up off the sofa and wandering over to her bag.

"Let me go and get my jacket" I said quickly before sprinting up the stairs to my bedroom.

I walked slowly into the room, glancing around for my jacket went I felt my back pocket vibrate. I shoved my hand into the pocket and pulled out my phone to see a text from Reece.

"From Reece💘:

Hey babe, sorry I didn't get to say goodbye properly. I miss you loads and loads and I miss your kisses😏 See you soon, love you xxxx"

A permanent smile slipped onto my face as I grinned down to my phone. This boy really did mean the world to me.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and retrieved my jacket before slipping down the stairs back to Mia.

"Ready?" Mia asked. I nodded my head and followed her out of the room.

The next few days are going to drag by...
I just know it...

This is just a filler chapter, sorry.
I know it's bad but please keep reading bc it will get better.
Charlie and the lads will be back next chapter so keep reading😏


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