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The day was pretty calm.
Lots of sleep, resting and eating in his apartment.

Yoongi had nothing to be worried about anymore. He had a couple of days off and now would get ready for the concert.

All four of them met in front of the stadium, Jin and Taehyung having a tight hold on Yoongis hands, not wanting the smaller to get lost even though Yoongi was sure there was no way in hell that he'd get lost.

If someone would get lost, it would've been Jungkook.
The young alpha was hyper, running around like a small kid and kept running back and forth as if trying to get rid of his adrenalin.

"He's really excited." Yoongi mumbled, as they walked in, Jin nodded his head with a small sight.

"Every damn time when we go to one of their concerts he's like that. You can't leave him alone five minutes without him doing some stupid stuff." Jin said, Taehyung trying his best to hold back his laughs at Jungkook and trying his best not to join his hyped mood.

"You wanna go join him don't you?" Yoongi asked after a while looking towards Taehyung.

"No no.. I'm just.. Looking" Taehyung said, Yoongi smiling a bit and letting to of Taehyungs hand.

"Go and make sure Jungkook doesn't get lost. I stay with Jin." Yoongi said, Taehyung having a small smile on his lips as he walked off as well
(Referring to the Tata-Mic Smile thing does)

"You're sure about that? Those two for sure are gonna make this concert into an even bigger mess" Jin chuckled, going with Yoongi to their seats and sitting down, still holding onto the smallers hand.

"Jin.. You do know that you can let me go now, right?"

"I guess I can.. But I won't." Jin decided, Yoongi sighting and leaning his head a bit back.

He had never been to concert that had been this hyped up.
Their seats were great, the performance amazing and he really enjoyed all of it.

He couldn't help but look a second at Jin, who also seemed to enjoy the concert, bopping his head and singing to some songs along.

Then there was Taehyung and Jungkook, both jumping around like some crazy fan boys, shouting and yelling, and even laughing their ass off at the security who tried to calm them down.

After the concert they got backstage, Yoongi looking a bit amazed around after he never saw this part of an concert before.

Jin still was holding his hand, Jungkook and Taehyung both running all over the place but after an few minutes getting dragged into helping by some of the stuff.

Jin and Yoongi meanwhile sat down on the small staircase which led up to the stage, waiting for Jimin and Hoseok.

Yoongi never imagined that he'd one day end up like this. Being able to take a look backstage and how everything worked.
He also never could've imagined to be friends with idols who easily filled up one of the biggest stadiums in the country.

"You feel fine?" Jin asked out of nowhere, Yoongi turning his head to look at him.

"Yeah. Better than yesterday.. And you?"

"Good. Kinda happy" Jin smiled, giving Yoongis hand a small squeeze and for an few seconds staring at him.

Yoongi stared back for an moment, slowly turning his head to look somewhere else and give jins shoulder a small nudge to make him stop staring.

Jin laughed a little, leaning a bit closer towards Yoongi who didn't seem to mind that too much.

"Do you wanna-" before Jin could ask however Taehyung appeared behind them, looking down at them with an big smile.

"Wanna go on stage? No one's inside the stadium anymore" he said pulling Yoongi up on stage to where Jungkook also was.

Yoongi stared around the stadium, looking really amazed around.

"It's nice isn't it? The feeling is.. You can't describe it." Jungkook said as he sat down, looking around while Yoongi was still standing amazed around.

"I've never seen Yoongi look this amazed before" Jimin chuckled as he walked on stage and joined them.

"Incredible isn't it?" Jimin asked, putting a head on Yoongis shoulder, only for Taehyung to pull Jimin away and flick a finger against his forehead.

"Too slow" Taehyung said, shaking his head as if dissapointed.

Jimin rubbed his forehead, grinning a bit and chasing after Taehyung.

Jungkook looked up at Yoongi, slowly standing up to stare at him.

"Yoongi.. Do you wanna go for a drink after this? Just like from a convience store or something" Jungkook asked, trying to somehow spend more time with the other.

"That sounds good.. Let's do that" Yoongi smiled a bit, looking at Jungkook who nodded his head before taking a few steps back behind Yoongi, turning around and throwing his fists silently in the air, cheering on himself that he finally said something without sounding stupid.

"Jungkook are you hyping yourself up?" Hoseok said who just walked up on stage to join the others, Jin behind him just following.

"I'm not, I'm just stretching" Jungkook said, trying to play it cool and looking to Yoongi who now also had turned around.

"How was it? Did you like it?" Hoseok asked, walking to Yoongi who gave him a small nod.

"It was nice. You and Jimin are really good performers."

Jimin stopped running as he was mentioned instantly joining their small circle and having an small sly smile on his lips.

"We're really awesome aren't we? Really hot also."

"Jimin stop trying to get more compliments of Yoongi" Jin sighted only to get an small pout.

"Only because he doesn't compliment you"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That he's not interested in you. That's what I mean."

"As if he's interested in your st-" Jin got cut off by Yoongi who really didn't have any nerve to now witness an argument.

"Both of you fuck off. The concert was good. Anyways, if you excuse me and Jungkook now we're gonna get some drinks."

Jungkook widened his eyes not having thought that Yoongi would so easily push them off.
Jungkook followed the older quickly, having a big smile on his lips while the other 4 stood a bit lost of the stage.

"Did he just pick that bunny boy over me?" Jimin asked in disbelief, getting on the ground to give the ground a few small punches.

"He picked him over all of us" Taehyung now said, sitting down and sighting a bit.

"..i love that kid.. But damn.. I'm not sure if I feel proud how I raised him or stupid because he got picked.." Jin said a little defeated.

"Raised? Come on Jin, you took care of him since he's 18? No wait 16?." Hoseok chuckled slowly sitting down.

" 16 Yes and now he's 21! Five years I raised him into such an sweet and lovable big idiot." Jin argued, also sitting down.

"..I can't believe he's an alpha sometimes. You raised him to be too much of an softie if you ask me." Taehyung said, only to get his shoulder punches by jimin.

"Just because he doesn't fuck every living creature on the planet! Leave that poor boy alone"

"I don't fuck any living creature! I didn't fuck you either!" Taehyung argued, Jimin raising his eyebrows.

"You tried it though"

"JIMIN! that was like two fucking years ago when I was young and drunk come on! Stop bringing that shit up."

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