Ting ting ton

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(no clue how this book got over 100k reads but Ig u guys like my whack ideas)

A long silence, Yoongis eyes moving down onto the piece of paper.

This seriously was just the worst situation possible.
If not even the worst timing ever.

Everyone was quiet, waiting for an answer from the omega who still was oddly silent.

"I knew something was up." Hoseok voice suddenly appeared, the usual sunshine boy now looking suspiciously at the omega.

"We suspected it but this is.. A bit more than I imagined" Jimin mumbled a bit unsure what to exactly say or do.

None of them knew what was going on.

"Okay.. This.. There isn't a good explanation for this that won't make me seem like I'm fucking insane." Yoongi finally spoke up taking the paper out of jins hands.

6 faces now looking at him with mixed expressions.

Lying wouldn't be of any use at this point.
Saying it was his brother?
A possibility that he thought of, but the same fingerprints, that was unbelievable and nearly impossible to happen.

"I am.. Not from here."

".. Are you from Japan? Thailand? Indonesia?" Hoseok started to question a little irritated, Namjoon and Jin just looking at each other a little unsure and patiently waiting for Yoongi to continue talking, Jimin and Taehyung meanwhile sitting down with crossed arms staring at the omega like crazy as if to get their answers like that and Jungkook looking like he was questioning his own life.

"No, no that's not what I mean. It's ugh fucking hell you'll think I'm crazy. Okay.. Okay what if I told you that this whole world.. Existed without us being omegas alphas or betas?"

A question that only sparked more questionable looks.

"What..? If we aren't alphas, omegas or betas what else are we supposed to be? Fruits?! Vegetables ?"  a pretty confused Taehyung asked, only for Jimin to snicker a bit at his response.

"Humans. Simple humans. This sounds weird, absolutely ridiculous, but I'm from exact such a world, dimension whatever the frick this is. I know it doesn't sound believable and completely nuts, but I'm not insane!"

A bit of a nervous look from Yoongi, his hands gripping the letter in his hand only to look a bit dumbfounded as Taehyung and Jimin suddenly started to laugh.

They for real thought he was joking.

Meanwhile Hoseok and Jin looked a bit concerned at each other, as if thinking that their omega went crazy.

Namjoon trying his best to get Jungkook out of his trance.

"I am not joking! This isn't some dumb joke I came up with, this is fucking real! I am not lying about this!"

".. Yoongi baby perhaps we should go see the doctor for-"


Namjoon shutting up, staring at the omega pretty concerned and unsure what to do in this situation, Jin meanwhile looking at Yoongi completely speechless as if questioning what was happening.

It really seemed like Yoongi was crazy.

"I'm.. Not from this world. I'm from a different world that's similar to this. I'm not crazy or insane, I'm not making stuff up. I've just appeared in Seoul a few months ago, then I met you fuckers.. And.. And the government gave me what I needed to survive. This Yunki.. Is me, but me from this world. And I'm the one from another world. Therefore our fingerprints match! We're the same person but from different worlds and-"

Second life/ Omegaverse Bottom YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now