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Namjoon sat with a big grin in front of Jin and Jimin, the two of them staring in disbelief at Namjoon. Jimin wearing a mask and a cap to hide from public. Luckily most just quickly walked in and back out.

They all met at the coffee shop, Jungkook ordering customers like usual.

"so.. You wanna tell us you saw Yoongis underwear?"


Jin and Jimin both looked at each other, both nodding as if agreeing on the same thing.



"WOAH RELAX!" Namjoon quickly said, putting up his hands in defense.

"He wanted to buy something, I said yes and we bought underwear for him."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, looking a bit more curious at Namjoon while Jin looked done with everything.

"..what type of underwear?" Jimin asked with a small grin, Jin giving his shoulder a small hit.

"Stop asking about Yoongis underwear!.. And You shouldn't have joined him! You aren't even his alpha!" Jin now scolded, Namjoon leaning back with a small smirk on his lips.

"I know I'm not. But perhaps soon I am! He seems to be comfortable around me, I mean he even let that employee call me his alpha" Namjoon now said as if showing off.

"Okay.. I have to admit that's impressive" Jimin admitted, looking at Jin who furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's not! He probably was just too shocked to answer and didn't want to be rude.. Also you joining him of course made it seem like you're his alpha!"

Jimin now looked back at Namjoon, jins argument being pretty good.

"Hey I didn't even want to look in the first place! That employee dragged me into that situation." Namjoon sighted, leaning his head back.

This felt like arguing with his mother.

"Okay okay.. But seriously.. What type of underwear?" Jimin again asked, Jin about to hit him again when Jungkook appeared behind namjoon.

"Are you talking about underwear?" Jungkook asked confused, Jimin grinning a bit and about to say something when Jin put a hand over his mouth.

"Yeah.. Just talking about what.. Namjoon bought for himself yesterday" Jin lied, the younger nodding his head a bit and leaning down on Namjoons shoulder.

"I heard that there's an sale tomorrow. You should've went there tomorrow Joon hyung!" Jungkook said, leaning forward to steal one of the cookies they had on the table.

"Mhm.. I didn't know that. Perhaps I'll buy something else tomorrow. Thanks for the info kook." Namjoon said, smiling a bit and watching the younger leave again once another customer walked in.

"You're both treating him like an child, no wonder he's so immature." Jimin sighted, having to smile a bit as both Jin and Namjoon gave him a glare.

Yoongi meanwhile was at home alone, enjoying his life as an introvert who hates social gatherings.

To his surprise nothing else happened that day. The next day he had off neither something happened.

He finally had a whole day for himself, no annoying messages, phone calls or surprises.

The day after however he again had work, being back in the office in the lower floor and being checked on every 10 minutes since the word spread pretty quickly what had happened.

He also didn't see Namjoonbthat day.
What he did see though on his way back home, was Hoseok who made his way down the street followed by a bunch of fans and paparazzi.

He therefore avoided him by walking inside a random store.

None other than Jimin stood inside there himself, Yoongi not yet having noticed him while Jimin was already eying Yoongi up and down, pulling down his sunglasses for an second and grinning slightly as he walked behind the shorter.

"Such an coincidence isn't it Yoongi-ah?" Jimin asked poking Yoongis back who quickly took a step forward and looked back as if startled.

"..what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked, Jimin blinking a few times and looking around the store.

"Getting a massage?" Jimin said a bit confused, not sure what Yoongi was expecting what he'd do at a place which did massages.

Yoongi nodded his head, only now realizing what business this shop had.

"Oh yeah right.. Anyways.. See you" Yoongi said about to walk back out when Jimin pulled him again towards him with an small pout.

"Since you're already here, you could join me."

"Join you?"

"Yes. I can even pay for you if you'd like. This place is really good." The beta smiled, pulling Yoongi towards the front desk.

"Wait jimin i really don't-"

"No no! My treat now. You're gonna be super relaxed after this." the male insisted, talking to the women at the front and getting pulled towards the different changing rooms.

He didn't expect his day to turn into something like that.
After undressing he now stood awkwardly around with the towel around his waist, arms crossed.

Once inside the room and actually getting the massage he had to admit this wasn't as bad after all.

What did distract him however was Jimin who was in the same room as him, the male talking around different stuff and occasionally looking towards Yoongi to take a good glance at him.

Once everything was done and they walked back to the changing rooms, Jimin had a big grin on his lips, about to give Yoongis ass a slap when he stopped as he was actually behind the male, instead staring at his lower back.

".. What happened there? Damn that looks like it must've hurt a lot.." Jimin said, Yoongi turning around to look a little confused at him.

"What? What do you mean?"

"The scar on your back, what happened?"

Yoongi widened his eyes, having to think for an second.

He had a scar on his back? Since when the fuck did he had a scar there?

He left that question unanswered, once inside the small changing room, trying his best to get a look at the scar, the realization finally hitting him.

That was the damn part where he was stabbed in his last life.
"You really had to leave that scar to remind me hm? Fuck you" Yoongi mumbled with a small sight.

Yoongi felt at least relaxed now. The scar luckily didn't bother him that much since he couldn't really see it anyways.

Jimin and him walked out together, both having some small conversations, Jimin leaving Yoongi once he reached the gates and immediately returning to go on his phone, looking a bit concerned.

First Yoongis parents died a few weeks ago. He moved in a few weeks ago in this city and seemed utterly lost at some things and now he also had a scar which looked like it could've killed him on his back. It really was concerning in Jimins eyes.

"No I swear! I have no clue what must've happened since he didn't answer me. It looked healed but it was like.. I don't know." Jimin spoke while entering the building.

"If what you're telling me is true right now, we shouldn't keep asking him about it. Just keep calm and relax.. Perhaps it was some shit in his past, but he seems fine now doesn't he?"

"He does, but Joon it does worry me a lot. What if it's something really dangerous and it could somehow happen again or what if-"

"Jimin relax. He's safe. He's inside the apartment complex for omegas and all of us are around him most of the time. Nothings gonna happen." Namjoon reassured.

"Yeah.. You're right. Sorry for calling out of nowhere. I'm gonna hang up now."

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