Chapter 33: Revolving Time

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-Irys' Pov

I should've left him a better note. He must be worried for me.

I heard some footsteps coming. Oh, Arika's back.

Arika: Commander! I have retrieved your orders. 

Irys: Thank you Rika.

Arika: What's with the long face commander?

Irys: It's nothing, I just have something on my mind. 

Arika: With all do respect ma'am! I joined the Elite Division to fight the spies to avenge Fatum and it is the responsibility of everyone, to make sure their team mates are in good shape!

Irys: No no, I'm really alright. Stand down soldier. 

Arika: Sir, yes sir! Glory to Fatum!

Irys: Glory to Fatum.

Arika walks away, she and her brother has really been a great help.  

*envelope opening*

Irys: This is literally the opposite of everything I said! I showed them the proof I got from the frontlines! They sent it straight to me while I was still on Earth. 

*radio static*

Radio: Quadrant 9 come in.

Huh, radio? What now?

Irys: This is Quadrant 9. 

Radio: Report to section 7. We will launch attacks from the West.

Irys: Quadrant 9 copy. Reporting to Quad 7.

I stepped out of my tent. I looked over my small team of elite soldiers. The front lines of Fatum. The 5 of us enrolled for different reasons. Some for glory, some for to avenge, some to defend the fatherland. I got papers from Fatum saying that the spies would attack from the left, meaning we should fight face to face to the left. I'm not a fan of traditional warfare, the enemy would expect to do something extraordinary, so we should do something even better. Unexpected. 

Irys: Alright guys! We're moving later tonight. We're combining with 7. 

Arika: What?

Arika pocked her head out her truck's engine bay, revealing her short light blue hair.  Followed by Frico, a buff well built man who was helping Arika. He smacked Arika on her head.

Frico: Be more respectful!

Arika: Mmm, LYP he smacked my head! It hurts.

LYP: He's right, you should adress Irys more respectfully. 

LYP, the smarts of the team. She helps us find the best route and prepare machinery for our use. Then, I heard some rustling behind me, I gotta feeling who it is.

All of a sudden, someone tried to hit me from my back, I dodged it and countered with a sweep on their legs and pinning them to the ground. I hold out my hand with a charged flame. 

Zeeq: Did I startle you? That was quite the overreaction commander. 

Irys: Heh, not a bit. That was a good try though.

Zeeq: Such kind words, I must say.  I will get you in the future.

I helped Zeeq to stand up. He's an agile young man, he was trained to be an Elite Soldier since birth. The 5 of us make up Quad 7. We're all close with each other even after I moved to Earth so it's fun getting back together after a while. 

Frico: Can't wait to fight side by side with you again chief.

Zeeq: I hope you tenure on Earth was delightful.

Irys: Yeah, it was fun. I made a lot of new friends. 

Zeeq: I heard on the graphs that you had an unorthodox way of blending in there. Like, having a relationship with an Earthling.

Irys: What? You gotta be kidding me. I wouldn't do that. 

Zeeq: You seem awfully odd ma'am. 

Irys: What do you mean?

Zeeq: Y-you seem to be....flustered.

Oh crap am I? I need to keep a cool look.

Irys: In your dreams. A pervert like you would look at anyone and think they're flustered.

I rushed back to my tent. I couldn't hold in my feelings for too long. 

Frico: What was that?

LYP: Dunno, kinda odd for her.

Arika: Right guys. We need to get ready for the combine, pack up everything, we're heading into enemy territory.

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