Chapter 45: Grandmas and Dinah

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Lauren looked up from her usual morning spot on the bathroom tile. It was just past six in the morning, much earlier than she generally woke. Clara walked in and gently used a warm, damp rag to wipe at her chin.

"I think I'm done," Lauren sighed out.

"Let me help you back to bed," Clara said, reaching down to take Lauren's hand.

Lauren stood and trod back to her room and climbed back into bed. She groaned softly as she tried to get comfortable.  Clara left for a moment then came back quickly holding a long, piece of thick cloth.

"Here, dear, try this," Clara said.

She tucked the cloth under Lauren's neck. It was cold and soft. Clara arranged it carefully then pulled up the sheet and blanket around Lauren's torso.

"Is that too cold?" Clara asked.

"No, it feels wonderful," Lauren answered, her voice sleepy.

"Try to sleep some more, darling," Clara said softly.

"Hard without Camz," Lauren mumbled, then added, "Don't tell her I said that."

"I understand," Clara answered with a small chuckle as she gently rubbed Lauren's back, "I never slept well when your father traveled."

"Mmmm," Lauren hummed in response, closing her eyes.

Clara leaned down and kissed Lauren's hairline before quietly leaving the room and closing the door.


Lauren woke again to the sound of Lori's giggles. She could hear Clara's voice and Eliza's and she realized that it must be about time for Lori to go to school. She took in a deep breath, wanting to go see Lori off but afraid that she would be sick if she got up too quickly. As she was deciding what to do the door opened slightly. Clara stuck her head in, and Lauren managed a small smile.

"Hey there," Clara said, walking closer and sitting on the edge of the bed, "Lori asked if she could come tell you goodbye. I didn't know if you were still sleeping or felt up to it."

"I'd love that," Lauren replied.

"I'll go grab her," Clara said.

A few moments later Lori walked into the bedroom holding Clara's hand. Clara picked her up and gently placed her on the edge of the bed. Lauren gave her a sleepy smile.

"What was all that giggling I heard this morning?" Lauren asked, grinning.

"Lala made pancakes," Lori answered excitedly, "And she made blueberry eyes and mouth and whipped cream hair!"

"Oh, my goodness," Lauren said, chuckling, "That sounds wonderful."

"The height of comedy," Clara replied sarcastically, smirking at Lauren.

"ZaZa is taking me to school now," Lori said happily.

"Okay, give Mommy a kiss," Lauren answered, "ZaZa is picking you up, too. I'll see you when you get home."

"Okay, Mommy," Lori said, giving Lauren a kiss then jumping off the bed.

Clara walked out with Lori and Lauren settled back into her pillow. She closed her eyes, thinking she would rest for a few minutes.

Lauren was stunned when she opened her eyes to see that it was nearly 9:30. She ate some crackers from her bedside bowl. Once she felt secure that she wouldn't be sick, she got out of bed and walked out to the den. Clara was on the couch, reading a novel.

"Good morning," Clara said, looking up from her book.

"I can't believe I fell back asleep," Lauren said, flopping down on the other end of the sofa.

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