Chapter 48: Nesting

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The next few evenings, after Lori was in bed, Camila and Lauren would head into the nursery. Camila had some touch up work to do on the mural and she decided to continue some of the flora around the border of the ceiling to finish the project. Lauren sat in the gliding rocker and read a book, taking breaks to watch Camila at work. Camila would ask her opinion every so often, but Lauren refused to answer, preferring to let Camila finish the work as she saw fit. By the time the weekend arrived Camila was satisfied.

Lori insisted that everyone arrive for brunch before allowing them in to see the nursery. She was staring out the window waiting on Eliza as everyone chatted in the kitchen. Ruby was playing with Jeremiah on the floor as he raced around, crawling and giggling.

"Lori, come play," Ruby said, "ZaZa isn't going to get here any quicker because you're looking out the window."

"I want to show everyone the dragon!" Lori said, sounding both excited and frustrated.

Jeremiah sat up and looked back and forth between the girls.

"Wooo-bee," Jeremiah said with a big smile.

Ruby giggled and grabbed him into his arms. Lori looked even further frustrated.

"How come he won't say Lori?" Lori huffed out, walking over and sitting down next to them. Jeremiah giggled and held his arms out. Ruby carefully placed him down and he crawled onto Lori's lap.

"He loves you, see?" Ruby said smiling, "He'll figure out how to say your name soon."

Lori smiled as Jeremiah leaned against her, trying to climb to a standing position.

"C'mon kid," Ruby said, standing and taking his hands, helping him take a few steps.

Lori huffed and walked back to the window. She let out a squeal as Eliza's car pulled into the driveway.

"ZAZA'S HERE!" Lori shouted.

The rest of the group moved from the kitchen to the den. Clara, Normani and Lauren were engaged in a conversation about happenings at LJCorp. Dinah and Camila had been finishing preparations for the meal.

"Geez, Mila, this better be good," Dinah teased, poking her sister's shoulder.

"I'm glad Lori and Lauren love it," Camila said, grinning wickedly at Dinah, "Your opinion doesn't mean squat."

"Good, cuz I bet it sucks," Dinah said with a chuckle.

"You suck," Camila teased right back.

They looked up to see that Lauren, Normani and Clara were staring at them, listening to their exchange.

"Am I going to have to report you two to Eliza?" Clara teased, eyebrow raised.

"No, ma'am," they both answered in unison, making Normani and Lauren laugh.

Eliza came through the front door and greeted the kids. Lori immediately took her hand and headed in the direction of the nursery.

"Everyone come see now!" Lori requested happily, "You have to close your eyes until we get inside!"

Camila giggled as Lori imitated her previous showing. Camila took Jeremiah from Ruby so that she wouldn't have to carry him without sight. Camila covered Jeremiah's eyes and smiled at Lori as they guided everyone inside. Lauren came in last and nodded at Lori.

"Okay, you can look!" Lori shouted.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked around.

"Holy cow, Aunt Mila," Ruby said, her eyes wide, "This is amazing."

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