ウユニ ⟼ act. ⒉

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╰┈➤ second pov

Chapter Summary
After being saved by a
Mysterious figure, you wake
Up to find that the children you
Encountered were saved by
The same beings. Thankfully,
They're offering hospitality.

Chapter two


you woke up in a panic. your sight was still blurry but you could make out a cave, much like your previous one.

'god... what happened? where am i? where's my backpack? my bow? am i dead?'

your mind went on and on with questions. thankfully that train was stopped when you heard chattering.

you picked up a nearby lantern and followed the voices through the tunnels. finally, you reached the room where everyone else was.

15 kids, two other suspicious looking people. one looking vaguely familiar.

everyone stopped talking and looked at you. it was very awkward.

"(Y/N), you're okay!" the orange haired girl you met before walked up to you. you acted like you didn't forget her name.

"i'm so sorry about what happened before, we didn't have a proper introduction!" she, maybe he because you couldn't tell, smiled again.

"i'm Emma," The finger beamed happily. "this is Ray. say hi Ray."

"hey." The boy, Ray, did as he was told.

You raised your eyebrow before she went on to introduce everyone, and you gathered some information.

Emma, Ray, Gilda and Don were the oldest and smartest.

you guessed all the other kids (, like Anna, Thoma, Lannion, Nat, Yvette, Chris, Mark, Alicia, Jemima, Dominic, and Rossi,) were just lucky to be there.

the two figures who weren't children were Mujika and Sonju. they introduced themselves as the ones who saved all the kids from the poachers, as well as you. Something about them radiated familiarity.

the conversations went on. all 18 of you sat down and ate. you found out Mujika and Sonju were brutes, but were also heathens, brutes who would eat just about anything but humans. the other 15 were 'escapees' from a 'farm', which sounded oddly familiar again.

you were going to ask about it, but you felt tired and decided to turn in. maybe they would bring it back up the next day?


well, it was the next day. lucky for you, they did.

Emma and Ray seemed tired, they stayed up late gathering information from Sonju.

"say... Emma, Ray, what do you mean when you say 'farm'?" you said while holding your favorite gerbil after asking Sonju where he left her and her siblings.

as said before, growing up, your parents would tell you stories about how they grew up in a farm where the children would get harvested at a specific age. you were interested in what they had to say.

both of them explained their life stories, how they found out about they own mother working for the 'demons', which you assumed meant brutes.

the way they explained everything... it seemed too exact. they explained it exactly how your parents did when you were younger.

you spaced out at the thought and didn't listen to the rest of what they had to say. it was all too confusing.

'those creatures out there, they were brutes? mamá and papá weren't lying? other children, mothers, minerva, human civilizations, what's going on... i'm so slow. where's my bow again? who's norman?'

"speaking of homes, where are you from,
(Y/N)? how did you end up in the forest?" Emma asked, making you brush away your previous thoughts.

"Me? i'm from here, i was born and raised in the forest." you have her a thumbs up while smiling as if you hadn't just thought of the most life changing realization.

Ray seemed interested when you said this, "born and raised? how is that possible?"

"well, my parents were just like you. they escaped from a farm twenty-five years ago and started a new life and family. actually, they died two years ago while going out to find food. a brute killed them."

"brute?" Alicia brought a finger to her cheek.


"(Y/N)! you're coming with us to the human land, right?" Yvette, your current favorite, asked while braiding your hair. her red eyes were practically sparkling.

"You should! we're going to B06-32 to talk to Mr. Minerva." Emma jumped in.

"well.. uhm... i don't really have anything left for me here, so sure. what could go wrong?" you softly smiled at both girls.

Yvette squealed and handed you a piece of paper with a drawing of you and her. you didn't know what to say. the style, the erase marks, the arms. you chose to not say anything, she was 5. it was a good drawing


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