ウユニ ⟼ act. ⒍

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...Just a Tiny Deadly Favor



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╰┈➤ second pov

Chapter Summary
Whatserface makes his entrance
once again, but this time
You get something out of it.
Lil bitta cussing 🤭🤏

Chapter Six


A few hours have passed. You finally caught up on things, whatserface was tied up somewhere. You honestly couldn't care less, but knowing he was still around nerved you.

Now, were figuring out a strategy with Emma and Ray. Like what was said before, it's been a few hours.

Everyone else went to sleep, you and Ray had to stay awake all night figuring out what the god forsaken pen meant.

The progress you made just turned out to be Minerverasherva wanting everyone to go to some "A08-63". Emma arrived soon after.

You got into depth with the plan strategy with both of them. It was seemingly a long trip, Ray mentioned going as only the three of you for safety reasons and coming back for everyone else if it went well.

At this point, everyone was awake and there to hear this plan. Gilda argued with Ray's idea of a plan, saying only the three of you would be too dangerous.

That seemed to pop an idea into your head.

"Let's just ask Whatserface. Worse case scenario, he kills us." You shrug your shoulders. "But we're dead if we take this journey anyways. Believe me, I know the brutes home better than any of you. I'd be able to manage myself, I'm just worried about you two. We need reinforcements."

Don argued with that logic, but was interested by a swinging door.

As if right on cue, said Weenie walked into the room, scaring the geebies out of Alicia.

"Hey there." He said to her frozen body.

"Hah! Right on time, sir! We were just talking about you." You laughed.

The man laughed sarcastically for two seconds before his face dropped dead serious, glaring at you.

'Geez... spooky..'

"We've been waiting for you. Good morning mister!" Emma beamed.

After he silently looks at her and raises an eyebrow, she continued.

"Let's make a deal."


"Sorry, we should introduce ourselves first. I'm Emma." Emma held out her hand. He ignored it.

"Uhm... (Y/N)." You felt uncomfortable in the awkward ambience.

"What's your name, sir?" She nagged.

"Get out. I don't intend to tell you my name, there's no need for it." Whatserface glared.

The awkward feeling left your body and was replaced by a funny one. Suddenly, you were laughing, barely even being able to breathe.

"Pft- why not? Hah- it's probably some fucked up name like Leslie!" You leaned against the wall to catch your breathe.

"Shut the hell up! I'm not fuckin' around, I said get your asses out! Now!" The man seemingly lost his temper. His grip tightened around the knife he was holding.

"Oh, sorry sir. Pay me no mind, I was only kidding around! Anyway, how're you feeling?" You wiped a laughing tear off your cheek.

"Horrible." Whatserface grumbled, huffing at how amusing you found teasing him was.

"Hey, sorry for stapping you to the table, you're probably hungry from all that." Emma laughed.  "To make up for everything, I have some soup for breakfast. It's not poisoned."

The man inspected the soup and —rudely— put it to side. Emma explained how Gilda made it for him and kept nagging him to eat it.

After pushing him, Emma finally gave up and cut right to the chase.

"I'm gonna get right to the point. We're going to go see Mr. Minerva. I want you to be our guide and bodyguard."


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