Snow likes to think he broke them. Broke his precious little pets. Beat them into submission. Yet they were waiting. Biding their time for a spark with enough power to light the fire. Rowell had potential, but not enough. Katniss had it.
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Loosing loved ones is never easy.
Losing her family hurt. Loosing Rowell hurt so much that every moment was painful, every moment felt like shocks were being sent through her body, like she was constantly touching an open wire, having electricity pumped through her veins.
she was angry constantly angry, angry that Cashmere had left her, angry that Rowell had ran off and gotten herself nearly killed, angry that no one knew who was still alive, or who was dead.
angry that she was kept in bloody lockdown, deemed too much of a danger to be allowed near other members of the underground society. yet it was that first outing that made her wish she never left the solitary condiment of the hospital room.
She was eating her lunch, if you could call it food even, in the muck room when they telly screen burst into life. Another announcement from the capital, it has always angered Jo that the members if 13 were so interested in the events if the capital and the games, as far as she knew they watched them every year with eager interest. As far as she was concerned, they were no better than the capital.
As the announcement brought insight, that was what she was told, it brought insight. The only insight she could think it provided was haw many creative ways can a group of children come up with to kill each other, nothing good.
So, there she sat, with the few remaining victors all at one table, Rosalind (Rosie) Castor, Finnick Odair, Katniss Everdeen, Haymitch Abernathy and Alecsander (Alec) Mastros. 76 years of hunger games and only a select 'winners' remained. They all watched with avid interest as Caeser began speaking,
"Hello. Good evening. And a big welcome to all in Panem." Caeser's voice rang out, putrid as ever, Johanna wanted to vomit at the sound of it, "I'm Caesar Flickerman. And whoever you are, whatever it is you're doing, if you're working, put down your work. If you're having dinner, stop having dinner. Because you are going to want to witness this tonight."
"what's happening Fin?"
"I don't know Jo, but something tells me it won't be any good" Fin responds in an equally low whisper.
"There has been rampant speculation about what really happened in the Quarter Quell. And here to shed a little light on the subject for us are two very special guests. Please welcome Mr. Peeta Mellark, and Miss Rowell Castor." Johanna felt as if her heart stopped just looking at the sight of Rowell, her hair was worm, hanging from her head in dead coarse waves, her wyes were dull looking into the camera with defiance. Finnick was right, this wasn't going to be any good.
"Peeta, a lot of people feel as though they are in the dark."
"Yeah, I know how they feel." Peter responds instantly, his voice revealing just how frustrated he feels, Johanna felt guilty, he was only there because of them, he was only being tortured because of them.