
261 7 6

Started - 10/26/2022

Published - 10/27/2022

Ages - 16, 17, 18, 19

Trigger Warning - Sexual assault, abuse, slurs, homophobia, transphobia, self-harm, suicide, rape, sa, and more

Words - 1029

A/N - Sorry for grammar mistakes, I use Grammarly to help me with writing as my spelling isn't the greatest! And sometimes I forget things, and I also write late at night[currently it is 8:41 pm as I write this intro]!
— Enjoy, Love Xep!<3


Finney woke up much early than everyone else in the home, as that was a part of his routine.

He got dressed, and then headed to the kitchen, put on the apron and started to proper breakfast for his family.

Finney took the time to think about his mother long before she had passed, thinking about her had made him realize something, they hadn't kept many things, like pictures or anything, but then again, people did strange things for strange reasons.

Finney finished breakfast and set up the table, then went to Gwen's room and others up the other.

"Gwen? It's time to get up, breakfast is ready." Finney spoke, and he heard Gwen get up out of bed and utter something along the s of yes, so Finney walked over to where their father had passed out, lightly shaking him awake.

"Dad, I made breakfast..." Finney whispered and Tarrance got up from the couch, and head to the kitchen and sat down, taking his time to eat his food, and then Gwen came out of her room, and she took her seat.

Finney looked at the two for a moment, both of them were respected, but they were also of a higher rank, both being alpha's, but Finney was the only omega, as their mother had been a beta.

He sat down and ate silenced, the silence softly killed Finney.

The Blakes ate their breakfast in total silence, no one dared to speak up, Finney didn't want to speak up as only God knew what would happen to him if he did.

Gwen looked over at Finney, she saw Finney as another human being, not some housemaid for her to treat like shit, Finney was her brother, he was her equal.

But their father didn't see that, he saw Finney as a maid.

Which sucked as if he did something wrong he was harmed in a multitude of different ways.

But all ways were grotesque and hateful.

Finney never spoke at home, he only spoke when he had to or was being talked to, which wasn't often.

"Finney." His father spoke, Finney looked up at him, slightly panicked at his father.

"Y-Yes? Wh-What do you need?" Finney asked nervously.

"Get me a beer," Tarrance demanded, Finney nodded and got up from his seat and headed to the fridge to get Tarrance a beer.

"H-Here you go, dad..." Finney whispered placing the drink in front of him.

"Good, now sit," Terrance spoke coldly.

Finney nodded and walked back to his seat, sitting down and finishing his food once again in the uncomfortable silence.


Finney and Gwen walked to school, happily chatting together like nothing was wrong.

He liked when they got out of the house and when they could just talk with one another like normal siblings, even if things weren't fine at home or at school for that matter.

Finney was often harassed just for being an omega which did truthfully hurt the boy, and what was even worse is that it wasn't just his classmates that did that to him, his teachers got in on the harassment of the young omega.

Gwen wanted to do something to make them stop but she knew there was nothing she could do as they wouldn't listen, and the other alphas wouldn't listen to her, she was after all a female alpha which meant that she was below the male alpha's.

But she knew that the betas would listen to her, but they would go back to doing it the next day.

Both hated their school environment, it wasn't healthy for them, but they had to go anyways.

"Hey, Finney, why don't you come over here? Maybe I can show you a good time." The voice purred, and Finney just walked over to them with fear in his eyes as he looked up at the bigger male.

He locked eyes with one of his tormenters, Matty, which made his heart sink.

You see Matty hated his guys but also tried to make Finney his omega.

He didn't want to be Matty's omega because only God knew what Matty would do to him.

"I already told you that I'm not interested in you," Finney spoke, but he quickly regretted what he said, because Matty would then drag him by the hair to the bathroom and then try to make a move on Finney.

Finney had a hard time fighting back against the alpha.

Finney was pinned to the floor and sexually assaulted, Matty left once he had satisfied himself, leaving Finney there to sob into his knees.

Tears stained his cheeks as he sat against the bathroom wall and cried.

He wanted to leave.

He didn't want to live.

But he had Gwen to take care of, he couldn't leave her.

He couldn't leave Gwen.

Finney sobbed, he didn't know what to do anymore, would he choose to stay and suffer through the abuse?

Or would he kill himself and leave Gwen behind to send for herself?

He would feel horrible doing both.

But he thought that he was going to stick around for a while, he needed to stay for Gwen.

Someone had to be there for her.

And Finney was that someone.

He was going to stay alive for Gwen, not for anyone else, just for his sister who truly needed him to be there for her, she needed him, and he needed her.

They needed each other.


Finney walked to his first class after he calmed himself down.

He sat in the back where no one would see him, which made him feel safe.

He felt safe knowing that no one would look for him in the back row.

Finney felt chills run down his spine as he thought about what would happen once he had to walk out of his safe back-row seat and walk to his next class where he would have the chance of someone stopping him in the hallway and then trying to do the same time Matty did.

His life as an omega sucked.

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