Scared (Metallica)

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You had this immense fear of hospitals. Doctors, nurses, medicine or anything made you uncomfortable.

You knew they were only there to help but you didn't like feeling weak.

You'd been sick since two nights ago. You could keep any food down and you wondered if maybe you'd caught some sickness from your friends you'd met up with at the bar.

"We're going to the hospital."

"No, I'm fine," you smiled thinly at James as you stood up from where you were laying on the couch, "I'm perfectly okay."

James gazed at you in disbelief as you sat back onto the couch in pain. You hated people seeing you like this.

"Stop looking at me."

James sat in front of your knees gently taking your hands from your hair, that was a nervous habit you'd had since you were a kid, "why are you acting like this, I'm only trying to help."

You didn't answer, it hurt to talk and even breath deeply, instead you shook your head.

"You need to go to the hospital Y/N, this could be serious."

A lump formed in your throat, you didn't want it to be serious. You tried to swallow down the tears but it was no use.

"I'm scared," you said as tears fell onto your lap, "I'm scared of hospitals you know that!"

James did not know that.

"Okay," he said, "alright."

Crying made your pain even worse, James gently squeezed your hands in reassurance while he tried to come up with a solution.

"Would it make it any better if I got all the guys to go?"

You looked at him in disbelief, "who's all?"

James smirked, "y'know, Lars and Kirk and Jason and—"

"No just Lars and you," you hissed.

James nodded and kissed the top of your head, "everything's gonna be alright, just try and breath alright?"

You nodded as James made a phone call to Lars.

Two hours later you sat in the waiting room with Lars and James on either side of you, holding both of your hands.

Lars had forced you to do that so you wouldn't agitate your side even more. You thought he was being a bitch.

Soon enough after two more arguments between both boys about who should go in with you Lars helped you into the examination room.

Now the anxiety was really creeping up on you, what if something was seriously wrong?

You held your side even tighter than before and began crying, mostly because of the pain you were in and kind of because the anxiety hospitals caused.

"Hey come on now Y/N, everything will be fine, just look at me okay."

You scrubbed the tears from your eyes and met his, "I'm scared, I hate this!"

Lars nodded and climbed up onto the table to sit next to you, "I'll be here the whole time,," he said intertwining your hand into his.

You'd never held his hands before, and surprisingly they were soft.

You'd managed to calm down a little once the doctor had arrived.

Every time you'd get a bit too uncomfortable Lars would grip your hand a bit tighter. You began to breath normally again and it turned out alright.

You were sent home with laxatives as the doctor was sure it was only constipation causing the problem.

Well, that sure was embarrassing.

As you were walking out to the car, where James was already waiting, you were sure Lars would make fun of you, but instead he just kept quiet and put his arm around your shoulders.

Maybe Lars wasn't that much of an ass at all, and maybe you liked him more than you thought.

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