Creep: Part Three (Metallica)

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Lars planned to shower you with love and support as the issue persisted, he felt you were going to need it.

That next morning you woke up to a letter on your bedside table which caused you to break down into hysterics.

He held you and suggested going to the police, you said no as you insisted through teary hiccups that they wouldn't believe you.

You'd seen cases like this before and nine times out of ten, the victim was claimed to be delusional and a liar.

Months went by, and more and more letters were left at the door, on your bedside table and even in your purse in the closet.

Every incident scared you a bit more over the months that went by but Lars was by your side to protect you and help you. He wished you would go to the police but respected your choice to keep quiet about it.

Nothing particularly eventful aside from the letters had happened since the day Lars was away.

But this morning, now five months after the first incident, the man had come to your door, you hadn't been expecting it and thought it was just the morning paper.

You were so shocked that he'd pushed past you and walked on in. Your feet were rooted to the floor where you stood.

After him going on and on for some time about how grateful he was for you and your love, Jason had come downstairs and kicked him out after hearing all the noise.

Kirk led you upstairs trying to talk you down from panicking, but it was no use, so he decided to call Lars.

You hated that this man was making you loose your composure and you felt so so alone. You just wished it would stop.

After calming you down, Lars suggested that you should take a day for yourself and call in sick to work.

Kirk and James volunteered to go shopping with you if you would let them stop at Guitar Center first. You obliged, and decided to relax on a bench outside to take in the views of that part of the city.

A mother and her daughter walked down the street, you smiled at how happy they looked. You would've given anything in that moment to be so happy and stress free.

But you wondered, maybe all those people who were hurrying about on the street were just good at hiding. Maybe they were going through something too, and that made you feel a little better.

Before you could even process what was happening you were pulled into the alleyway nearby. You tried to get away but the person had a strong grip on you.

You were pushed into the far wall, and that's when you saw him, the man. Anxiety grew inside you and you started to shake.

"Why can't you just leave me alone," you cried, trying to push past him and get back into view of the public, that way if anything happened there would be witnesses. You had no idea what to do next but you needed to come up with something else quick.

You managed to get to the opening of the passageway before he grabbed you by your hair. The pain made tears sting in your eyes, but you didn't dare show it. 

Yelping as you felt your hair pull away, you scratched at his arms and twisted around to try and create a distance between the two of you, "get off me."

He laughed and tightened his other arm around your throat, you felt your eyes water even more and tried to shout for help. Little black dots appeared around the edge of the beautiful city street.

"No no no, my love. You didn't send back any of my letters, so this is what you get for ignoring me."

Your heart pounded so hard you thought it would burst right out of your chest and you just hoped that James or Kirk would notice your absence from the bench outside.

Your vision became a blur as his grip tightened even more. Where were they?

"My name is Hayden by the way," was the last coherent thing you heard before you were thrown to the ground. You gasped for air, feeling so thankful you could actually breath again.

The next few minutes were bits and pieces of screaming and shouting as you tried not to move too much and cause yourself anymore pain, though your thoughts were becoming more and more scrambled by the minute.

Your whole body ached and your eyes became more and more heavy as sirens sounded from far away. From far far away.

"Min elskede, please wake up, I'm sorry. I should've known better. This is all my fault."

You felt a hand in yours and as you opened your eyes you were almost sure it was Hayden there in front of you. You tried to pull your hand away but you couldn't find the strength.

The white walls made you feel claustrophobic and uncomfortable, the antiseptic smell made you want to hurl.

It was all too much, he couldn't be here right now. Hospitals were supposed to be safe.

Soon he moved into the light and you saw it was only Lars, his eyes were swollen with tears, and he pouted in a way that made your heart break in two. You felt your chest loosen a little and soon you began to sob.

"Alt er okay kæreste, det er kun mig."

You cried and cried as he held your hand tightly, he gently kissed your temple and wiped away your tears as you had wiped away his.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

You spent two weeks in the hospital, recovering from the shock of the situation as well as two broken ribs and severe bruising.

Lars was there by your side every night and refused to shower or go home. The guys came to visit every few days and brought him food to keep him from starving, they brought you little gifts to cheer you up.

Two weeks later it was released on the news that Hayden was arrested and then sentenced to 5 years in prison for assault.

You cried happy tears for the first time in months and Lars held you close to him.

It was finally over, you were free.

This is the last part of Creep. I don't usually write stories like this, but it was a lot of fun. How did you all like it? Leave a comment and let me know.

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