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Hoseok : Yonngi what happened yesterday ? you left me on read

Yoongs : nothing, i'm good

Hoseok : if there's something wrong u can tell me, i'm here to listen

Yoongs : thank you Hoseok

Hoseok : no need to thank me yoongs, friends are made to help eachother

Yoongs : yeah, how are u doing ?

Hoseok : i'm doing greattt, i'm also happy guess why ???

Yoongs : why ?

Hoseok : i'm going on a trip with Jimin and some of my friends

Yoongs : really ? Seems like u love that Jimin alot

Hoseok : of course, it's been 5 years that we know eachother

Yoongs : that's a long time, and where are u going ?

Hoseok : to jeju island for a week

Yoongs : ow that's great, have fun then, it's beautiful there

Hoseok : i will
Hoseok : by the way what do u do in ur life i'm curious ??

Yoongs : suddenly?

Hoseok : i just want to know 😁

Yoongs : i deliver food, nothing special

Hoseok : no it sounds fun, u meet new people everyday

Yoongs : not for me, i hate seeing new faces everyday, most of the time they're just rude with me

Hoseok : it's true, there's alot of people who don't know how to be a good person towards someone

Yoongs : yes

Hoseok : but look in the bright side, when u look in their eyes and smile to each other happily, that can make you feel happy even if you're not, a warm smile is the universal language of kindness yoongs :))

Yoongs : huuh ? does a smile from a stranger makes you happy ??

Hoseok : yes and make my day better especially from the people i love

Yoongs : then good for u, it doesn't work for me

Hoseok : well alright emo boy 😗

Yoongs : i'm not emo, emoji boy

Hoseok : yes u are and i'm sunshine boy

Yoongs : i'm not, u don't know me weirdoshine

Hoseok : then i should do it

Yoongs : yeah blah blah

Hoseok : okay emo boy, i have to go prepare myself for the trip

Yoongs : k, don't forget anything, have a safe flight and alot of fun

Hoseok : ouuuhhhh look who's caring for meeee :)

Yoongs : shut up and go

Hoseok : okkk i will, bye yoongs

Yoongs : goodbye

Yoongi got up from his bed after he noticed that he was smiling a little too much when he was texting that boy Hoseok

he shook his head trying to focus, "what was that ?"

he went to the bathroom and took a shower, wore something black he found on his way

He took a quick look at himself in the hallway's mirror before wearing his shoes and going finally to work.

While Hoseok was looking out from the window of his small cozy living room

He was sipping from the warm coffee that was in the mug he was holding, while humming a beautiful melody

his thin fingers got between his brown strands of hair ruffling it gently
"it's time to take a shower".

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