Chapter 8- My Power Is Maximumer

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Because this chapter is more focused on gym stuff, I'm using Dragon Ball memes. Why? One simple fact. Lythero. Also-

Azazel's eyes pooped out when she heard how many more sets.

"F-f-f-five sets?! Of four hundred and five pounds?!" she asked, looking near ready to faint.

"Yeah, I'm sure you could easily do double this weight. Judy and Icy could do triple, maybe four times that," he said, patting her on the back.

"What's with calling me Icy?" Justice asked.

"Justice served cold is just ice." Justice snapped her fingers, absolutely loving the pun

"Trying out new nicknames I see! Let me tell you a secret. Judgement calls you 'master' behind your back." The High Prosecutor was practically glowing with blush, angrily sputtering at Justice for telling him.

"Well Halo, you're up," Y/N said, deciding the best course of action was to ignore that nugget of information.

"M-Me?!" she asked nervously. The human smiled at her.

"You're so much stronger than you think you are. Everyone is. But the only way to find your limits is to reach for them. At that point, it's just a matter of breaking them." With those words of confidence, Azazel was laying down on the bench just like Y/N had been. With a little adjustment in her foot placement and grip placement, she was ready to go.

"Remember, I'm your spotter. So if you have any trouble, I'll be here. Breathe in on the down motion and breathe out on the push-up. Slow and steady is better than fast and messy," he said, standing just a step back from her head, eyes focused on the bar and her hands. Azazel followed his advice and found it quite easy. She was so proud of herself that she missed the rack when trying to set down the barbell. Just like he promised, Y/N was there to grab it and guide the bar back to the rack. The angel sat back up, blushing with embarrassment.

"Sorry. I guess I got too excited. We angels don't normally push ourselves so..." Azazel trailed off.

"It's alright. It happens to everyone sooner or later. Besides, as an angel, you're a perfect being or something right? So pushing yourself is probably a pretty foreign concept." Azazel blushed beet red, a small crack forming in her halo.

"W-Well that's... q-quite the c-compliment," she stuttered out. After that, he had to guide Justice through since... she was blind.

"Now just put your hands here," Y/N said, gently grabbing her wrists to place her hands in the right spot.

"Ooh, kinky~!" she joked. She was suddenly concerned when she got no response.

"H-Hey I was only joking!" Justice said, for the first time sounding anything other than confident.

"Just... please don't joke like that in the future at the gym. I don't need some random chick coming up and yelling-"

"Who the hell do you think you are for putting your hands on her like that?!"

" me... ugh, this is going to be a nightmare," he sighed. The woman had her phone out and was recording, so who knows how much she actually knew.

"U-Um, miss, he isn't harassing anyone," Azazel tried to explain.

"Yeah, you really gonna talk like that about my boyfriend?" Justice asked, smirking a bit.

"Not cool, girl," she added, shaking her head disapprovingly. Both Y/N and the woman paled, for two very different reasons. Judgement and Azazel, however, looked... well 'upset' was definitely too mild of a term. And another crack formed in her halo, though this one disappeared quite quickly. The woman, however, was now being looked at disapprovingly by everyone. When she scurried off, Justice began her reps and blew anything her 'boyfriend' could do out of the water. Y/N was still stunned, Judgement shaking him a little to break him out of his stupor.

"Um... we'll have to talk about this later, Judy. I don't think I'm able to keep up with the mental whiplash I was just put through." By that point, he was just cycling through exercises getting them familiar with the machines. During one of their rest periods, Y/N got a call.

"Is it another outbreak? ... ... Was there a bioweapon involved or is this a natural virus? ... ... Alright. I'm on my way." Judgement had heard him talking and managed to stop arguing with Justice for long enough to pay attention. This also got the blind demon's attention as he sounded serious.

"Alright girls, I've gotta go hunting. Go ahead and take care of things here." Azazel looked worried, wondering what he meant.

"Remember what I said back in Hell? I'm a zombie hunter. It's my job to deal with these things. Just, try not to watch the news the first few weeks after it's dealt with. I don't exactly put my best foot forward when in the field," Y/n said sheepishly.

"What do you mean?" Azazel asked, Judgement stepping in.

"Do you see yourself as excessively violent?" she asked, the sympathy practically sugaring her words.

"Have you ever seen Malina playing Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal?" Judgement nodded sagely.

"Yeah, I could see why you feel like that's not a good image," Azazel said, frowning slightly. She was thinking of what to say, to hopefully reassure Y/N that it wasn't something they would look down on him for.

"It's alright. We know you deal with quite a lot at the house. So I understand if you use it as a stress relief alongside the gym." she said sweetly. Y/N smiled at her.

"Thanks, Azazel. That means a lot."

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