Chapter 10- Feel My Heart

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REEEEEEE This was the hardest to write so far, honestly. I just couldn't come up with how to finish off the Examtaker timeline.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuck this is why people don't go to Ohio unless they're a Jehovah's Witness!" Subject Y/N yelled, feeling the effects of the Abyss slam into him all at once. However before the feeling could start dissipating, he had already begun trudging through the impossible black that surrounded him. As he came up to a castle that seemed to be made of the very fabric of the Abyss, he heard the sound of fists connecting to a solid object. The painful crunch of bones was hard to ignore, as he chased after the sound.

"Well, Y/N, I think it's time for my introduction-" a feminine voice called out as they stepped out of the door only to get a fist to the gut.

"Where am I?! Er- WHERES THE OTHER ME! Wait I don't look normal! Fuck! Quit wasting time!" Subject Y/N growled as he grabbed the fly by her collar.

"that wasn't... in the script- Well... I assure you... he's perfectly safe... jeez you didn't need to punch me!" The woman gasped, gently grabbing his wrists.

"Now, if you please, let me go and you can take him. He's been rather cold to me anyway."

"Gee, I wonder why," Subject Y/N said as they walked through the castle. The sound of crunching bones and wet splats grew louder until a door opened and Y/N of the future, with an impressive beard sporting tons of braids, looked at them. He saw the glowing chain burning around Subject Y/N's waist and immediately grabbed it.

"Let's go, before it closes!" They both said, pulling on the chain twice and getting rocketed around as the chain was reeled in, like a fish on a hook. Beel tried to grab on but missed by less than an inch. Once the two had been pulled out, they crashed into the ground, leaving a gouge in the floor. Loremaster was quick to grab Future Y/N and Judgement lifted Subject Y/N to his feet.

"Well you certainly act like him, that's for sure," she chuckled.

"Never thought I'd see the day where he brings himself back. It's quite ironic," Lucifer chuckled, smiling as Future Y/N and Loremaster hugged.

"Speaking of seeing the day, Lucie, could you do me a favor?" Subject Y/N asked. The former CEO of Hell turned, nodding.

"Of course, anything after the miracle you've pulled off."

"I want to forget all of this. Every bit of this future business. I don't want to remember a damn thing." He said. Lucifer looked confused but agreed.

"If... if you're sure."

"Trust me, I'll be better off not worrying about causing this to happen. Especially if this is in some fucked up way inevitable. Because then I'll feel worse about not trying harder," Subject Y/N said, a sad smile on his face. Lucifer knew as well that he'd blame himself and so nodded, beginning to cast the spell.

"Just remember, we love you." As the demonic energy whipped around them both, the realization set in of what she was implying. He was aware of Lucifer and Loremaster/Azazel, but something about that 'we' implied more than that. Was Justice telling the truth earlier? And what about Justice herself?!

"Wait, we?" he asked, just as the spell completed and his senses faded.

Gasping, he struggled to sit up. His body was in so much pain that he almost screamed, like rocks digging into him from all around him. Opening his eyes, Y/N realized he was stuck under a building.

"Fuck..." he coughed, trying to move different things to see how deep he was. His right arm was busted for sure; he could feel the break. His legs were both in pain, but his left seemed to be mangled a bit. For a moment he couldn't remember what led to where he was, but the memories of fighting a hulking behemoth of a man covered in wrinkled skin with black trousers, an overcoat, boots, and gloves. It was some kind of bioweapon prototype that had been tasked with killing certain zombie hunting groups and Y/N himself was also a target. He needed to kill it and kill it fast. He knew the collapsing building wouldn't kill it but he hoped it would wound the monster enough to finally put it down. He fished out his phone and inspected it. The damn thing was durable as shit. Nokia must've been able to transfer whatever indestructible materials they used over to their smartphones too.

"Hey... Lucie..." he coughed, the call finally connecting almost instantly.

"Oh my me, are you alright?!" she practically screamed.

"Been better... look... I need... that M82... and a few... mags... and maybe... Azzy's healing..." he wheezed, struggling to push himself out of the rubble.

"We're on our wa-"

"DON'T!" he yelled, immediately being thrown into a coughing fit.

"please.... don't need... you seeing me... like this... Feel bad... enough you saw... on T.V...." he groaned, feeling the rubble shift off of him. Must've been sent near the top from the force of that blast. Lucky him. Not long after he finally got out, Y/N heard more shifting. Whether it was the bioweapon trying to get out or rubble shifting into the gap he just escaped from, Y/N wasn't eager to find out.

"I'll... call you back... Be home... before dinner... 'kay?"

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