Teach me how to be normal..

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AN: for the sake of this story tony is an absolute dick in this. But don't worry, I love the guy.

Oh and btw, don't come for me. This is just how i experience life with autism and what I've been struggling with lately. So I'm not saying everyone is like this or anything :)

"Lack of communication, does that really sound like something a good avenger has?!" Tony argues back
"Tony this is not a discussion. She will be a great ad to the team. And if I receive any complaints about any of you, for how you're treating her you will have a problem with me"
Tony sighs
"Yes tony? Do you have anything to share?"
"Just so you know, when one of my people get hurt because of some stupid autistic girl it's on you!" He screams before he storms of.
"So-" Steve starts
"When is she coming?" Steve asks
"She can be here any minute now. I told her to be here at 1 pm"
"Wel I guess she has one minute left then" Clint says looking down on his watch

To everyone's suprise you show up exactly at one pm sharp.
"Hi y/n. This is the team. Tony couldn't make it today, I'm sorry"
"That's okay. I'm so happy to be here!" You say enthusiastically
"You can sit down next to agent Romanoff if you want"
"That's me" you see her raising her hand
"I know. I did my research" you say smiling and sitting down

"So you'll be staying at the avengers compound?"
"Yes please"
"Alright that's great. There is a training schedule for every day but you'll get that when it is made for you. For the rest there isn't really anything you need to know. If you have any questions, a big part of the team is living in the compound so you can always ask them. Nat could you show her around?"
"Yep will do" she says smiling at you. You smile back but avoid eye contact like you've been doing for the whole time.


"And it ends with the training area. You can spend as much time as you want in here"
"Thank you so much. I appreciate it"
"You're welcome. Would you like to help me cook? I've got cooking duty today. I thought maybe I could get to know you"
"Yes please" you say smiling and walk to the kitchen
"How old are you again? No one ever mentioned it"
"17" you say continuing to cut the tomatoes
"You seem older. When do you turn 18?"
"332 days"
"Oh. T-that's cool" she says smiling slightly
"Okay so can you add one liter of water to the tomatoes?"
You grab the measuring cup and look at the water flushing in the cup.
"Oh. Hi Tony. This is y/n" Natasha introduces you. But instead of responding you stay focused on the cup
"Dammit" you mutter to yourself.
"What is it?" Nat asks
"I can't- I can't get it to line up" you say frustrated
"Wel I'm sure that one drop of water doesn't make a difference right?"
You ignore her comment and continue to measure.


"Yes! Got it" you say happy.
Right then you feel someone push your arm making you spill the cup.
You look at it and look at the man sad.
"TONY! What the hell. Why would you do that?!"
"Don't blow up on me nat. Just fill it back up." He smirks at you meanly.
"I don't- I'm sorry I don't want to help anymore" you say putting down the cup and running to your room.


"Y/n, Dinner is ready honey. Are you coming?"
You open the door and look at Natasha
"Have you managed to measure the water?" You ask
She smiles
"Yes, yes I have. Don't mind tony. He's a dick"
"Did he do that on purpose? It seemed like it. But I'm not good at deciding that kind of stuff"
"I'm sorry honey, it seemed like he did."
You don't respond and walk of the the kitchen.

"Can't you walk Normally?" Tony asks you as you walk in
"Tony shut up" Wanda says
"How do you walk normally?" You ask without any expression
"Wel just put one leg infront of the other"
"I am. So you're now disagreeing with your own definition of 'normally'. That's interesting."
You notice Steve, Thor and Clint doing their best to hold their laughter as you talk down on tony.
"Where can I sit?" You ask Natasha
"You can sit next to me honey"
She shows you the chair
You sit down and start eating.

After a while everyone is done and they are now just talking. You however haven't said a word
"Y/n why don't you talk?" Tony asks you
"No one asked me. What do you want me to say?"
"Just stuf. Just act like a normal human being ya know?"
"I don't know" you say confused
"Just. Act. Normal."
"Oh come on tony. Like you're normal?"
"Steve shut it. You see the difference is, that I'm different in a good way. I'm rich and successful. But she's just weird. She's just a nobody. God she can't even make eye contact"
"Oh come on tony! Shut up! None of those things are things she can do anything about"
"Who cares? It's bothering me"
"Tony stop hurting her feelings!" Nat tries to protect you
"She doesn't have feelings. She's autistic. She's like useless robot. But unfortunately we can't turn her of"
"I do have feelings. If you're so smart then you'd know that autism is a spectrum. So not all has to be part of an individual. And bedsides, I think there is something more wrong about your stereotype with autistic people then with my lifestyle. If I say so myself I've come pretty far and if you don't mind I won't let some weird stereotypical rich bastard stand in the way of that. And here you have it, I said something"
You walk away with tears streaming down your face.

"Screw you tony" nat says and runs after you.
She walks into your room.
You are flapping your hands as you sit down on the ground stimming.
"No. No. No. n-"
"Y/n listen to me" she crouches down in frond of you
"No no no no no"
She grabs your body tight. You try to kick out of her arms at first but after you slowly melt into her arms
She can hear you mumble the word 'no' over and over again to yourself. You are holding your head
"Shhh calm down baby. You're okay just calm down"
"I- I t-t-"
"Honey breathe okay?"
"I tried to mask it" you cry out in her arms
"Mask it?"
"It means to cover up. I tried to make it look like nothing was wrong with me. But I stil failed. Why do I stil fail?" You cry out
"Honey. Don't ever pretend like your someone else. I like you like you are. You are not a girl with autism. You are just
y/n. And I love that"
"But- I thought. Then why doesn't he like me?"
"Tony is tony. He's a dick. You just have to wait. He can be very nice"
"So he's a dick but he's nice?"
"That's confusing"
You chuckle trough your tears
You smile slowly fades again.
Scarlett strokes your head

"Y/n honey? What's wrong?"
"I know you like me like this. I try to like me like this too. But I can't. Tony is right. I need to change. Can you teach me how to be normal?"
You ask her
"No" she says
"No?" Tears start to form back in your eyes
"No y/n. I wil not teach you. No one is normal. I'm not normal, just like your not normal, and just because you have a diagnosis doesn't mean you should change more than me, trust me. You're going to be okay. I swear"

You stay quiet
"Do you want to go back downstairs with me?"
"No" you mumble.
"Okay. That's okay. Is it okay if I stay here with you?"
"Yes please" you say with tears again forming in your eyes
"Oh honey, come here"
She hugs you tighter again

For the rest of the night you snuggle into each other on your bed and watch your favorite movie you've watched over 30 times already. Eventually you fall asleep in nats arms, who admires you for a while until falling asleep herself,

Scarlett Johansson one shots part 2! Where stories live. Discover now