Cold waters

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Tw: drowning

As you are looking around you feeling the extreme cold water slowly surrounding you, the only thing you can think about is Natasha.
"NAT?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" You scream
Receiving no answer. You try breaking open your cel but failing
"COME ON!" You scream out in frustration. The water gets higher as your panic raises two.
Finally you managed to break down the lock on your cage and start running around trying to find Natasha.
"Natasha?!" You scream while tears stream down your face
You fall down exhausted being met by the freezing temperatures of the water.

After what feels like hours of searching you finally see Natasha
"Y/n!" She screams relieved.
"N-nat" you cry
You look around for the keys but fail to find them
"Hey honey don't cry okay? It's all going to be alright"
"W-where a-are the keys" you ask crying
"Honey I need you to get out of here okay? I'll be okay"
"No" you tell her while hitting the lock continually
"Y/n go" She tells you
Your hands are streaming with blood as you continue to hit the locks
"No I can't!" You say panicked
"Y/n sweetheart. You need to go" she tells you holding your hands trough the cell bars.
You look at her with tears streaming down your face.
You shake your head
"N-no" you tell her
You continue hitting the lock when it finally breaks.
You quickly open the cage letting Natasha out and swim towards her hugging her tight.
She kisses your head
"Let's go" she tells you grabbing your hand
"N-nat" you mumble while struggling
She turns around looking at you
"I- c-can't swim" you tell her struggling to keep yourself from drowning as the water has risen up to your head

Natasha doesn't hesitate for a second and grabs you carrying you trough the water.
Eventually the water is up to the ceiling
"Hey take a big breath okay? Let's get out of her" she says. She takes deep breaths with you until there is no space left for air and you both take you last breath.
You feel yourself struggle with exhaustion.
Eventually your lungs fill up with stinging cold water and the room starts to turn even darker.

When Natasha notices your body has gone limb she grabs your arm and drags you trough the building trying to find a way out.
She scream in frustration seeing your body not hanging on and she too opens her mouth allowing the waster to flush in her body. Right then she notices a light strip and swims towards it while slowly drowning.
she manage to kick down the door and water from inside the building including Natasha and you stream out. Natasha coughs getting the water out of her lungs and gasps for air.
Right then she crawls over to your body
"Y/n wake up" She tells you
She lifts your upper body getting your chest closer to her and holds her ear to your mouth waiting for a breathing sounds but there is none.
"Y/n?" She asks slowly
She checks your wrist and feels that your heart is barely beating
"No, no c-come honey"
She starts doing chest compressions trying to get you to breath while your body turns more blue
"Come on baby" she begs while crying
After minutes af compressions your body starts coughing rapidly throwing up all the water in your lungs.
You let your body fall back on the ground breathing heavily. Your vision is blurry and you can't hear anything but loud ringing in your ears. The only thing you feel is someone lifting you up before everything turns black again.

"Once her body is warmed up a bit more she should wake up. She probably didn't leave any trauma for her body which is good. You did a fantastic job on the chest compressions Natasha, she wouldn't have made it without it" Bruce admits
Natasha doesn't let go of your hand
"I told her to go" she mumbles
"What do you mean?"
"I was locked in a cell and told her to go but she didn't, she wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for me."
"Natasha y/n is just a stubborn teenager. You wouldn't have convinced her. And I'm glad she didn't give in. Or you wouldn't have been alive"
"Yeah but like you said, she's just a teenager. She's just a kid" she says sadly
"Ya know, if she wasn't a fit for the job, Tony wouldn't have given it to her. And she loves it. Today she really showed us how great of a team mate she is"
"Yeah but it was different. She was crying. She was absolutely crushed thinking about me dying. She was in full panic mode. She kept punching the lock even tho she knew it shouldn't have worked"
"Yeah, she broke her knuckles pretty bad doing that. She really fought for your life"
"Y-you k-know its rude t-to talk about someone when t-they're next to you" you manage to stutter out.
You cough a little
"How are you feeling?" Bruce asks
"Great. Awesome"
You say. You look at Natasha seeing her state.
"Are you alright nat?" You ask
She looks you back in the eye and smiles slightly
"I was worried about you sweetheart. Im happy you're awake"
"Im glad we're both okay" you tell her smiling slightly
Natasha strokes your head and looks at Bruce
"Bruce she's freezing" she says
Bruce takes your temperature once again
"Y/n you have to stay here for a while okay? We need to regulate your temperature."
"Great idea green bean" you tell him sarcastically
He looks at you
"Don't call me that" he says
"Why not green bean?"
He rolls his eyes and smiles at you
"I'm happy you're all good" he says
"Aww" you say and look at Natasha
"He's a sensitive green bean" you say
Natasha chuckles
"He sure is" he says laughing

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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