Parents day

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Tw: panic attack

Nat was doing paper work in her room when she heard the softest knock on her door. She got up and opened the door seeing you.
"Hi y/n"
She says
You look down at the floor
"Did you need anything?" She asks confused
"I- n-no never mind" you say turning around.
"Wait y/n what-"
Before she can finish her sentence you've already gone to hide in your room.
"Okay?" She mumbles to herself confused

About two and a half hours later Natasha heard soft footsteps in the hallways near her door. She ignored it until she sees a paper flyer slide under her door.
She gets up confused and reads it.

Parent day
5th of December

She frowns
"Oh poor y/n" she sighs with empathy.


"Hey tony"
"Hey Natasha"
"Do you know anything about a parents day tomorrow at Peter and y/n's school?"
"Yeah of course. I'm taking Peter tomorrow, it's gonna be awesome"
"You're taking only Peter?" She asks
"I mean- y/n never asked me"
"Oh come tony, you know how y/n is. Wel- you don't, no one knows but- the point is, she doesn't talk a lot alright but I think- I think she'd want someone there tomorrow as wel"
"why don't you take her?" He asks
"Me? No- she. I don't think she likes me very much. She never says a word to me"
"She barely says anything nat- but I do know, that if she chooses a place to sit at dinner it's always next to you. And when she gets scared she always steps a little closer to your side."
"She does?"
"Yes, every time. Besides, maybe you could get her to open up a bit"
"I don't think I'm the right person for that tony, you know me"
"Oh come on. Don't act like your not like- really protective over the kid."
"Just because she has no one to protect her"
"And because I think she reminds me of you. I mean- you did have the same past so-"
"What did you say?" Natasha asks
"I'm not supposed to say. I promised her I wouldn't"
"She was in the red room?"
Tony nods
Nat sighs.
"Alright. I'll just see what I can do. Thank you Tony"


"Hey y/n?" She knocks on your door
"Y/n you okay in there?"
"Alright I'm coming in okay?"
She says. She hesitates but walks into your room.
She notices you sitting at your desk trying to do your homework.
But when she comes a little closer she notices that you are completely trailed of with your mind.
She slowly puts a hand on your shoulder.
Out of reaction she grab her wrist and twist I making Natasha fall to the ground
"Y/n STOP!" She screams
She sees your blank face change into fear as your eyes widen and you realized what you are doing. You let her go and back away from her.
Your breathing becomes uneven fast
"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry I-im sorry" you mumble backing away from her.
"Im sorry" you mumble again
"Y/n I need you to watch your breathing okay? You're hyperventilating"
"N-no I- I'm sorry"
Your hyperventilating doesn't stop
"Y/n it's fine. You just need to breathe"
"I-I c-can't" you say scared and panicked
"JARVIS get banner in here right now!" She orders.
Not even 2 minutes later Bruce walks in
"What is going on?"
"She-she can't breathe" Natasha tells him, not knowing what to do
Bruce takes on look at you and his worried face relaxes a bit
"Wel- do something!" She tells him
"Y/n? Look in my eyes please?"
You look at him shakily
"Good, I need you to give me 5 things you can see in this room. Can you do that?"
You do what he says and tell him 5 things you can see
"That's good y/n. No tell me 4 things you can feel"
After that you start to calm down a lot more
"You're going to be okay y/n. You did good" he assures you.

"Nat, can I have a word?"
Natasha, who is stil very confused but worried, nods

"What happened?"
Nat asks
"She had a panic attack Natasha. Did anything happen that could've caused it?"
Nat pours her lips
"She was zoned out when I came in. Maybe she saw something" she shrugs
"Okay, could you keep an eyes on her? Its pretty common to be lightheaded and dizzy after an attack like hers"
"Y-yeah sure"

She softly walks into your room again.
"Hi" she says
You look down embarrassed
"Hi" she says
"Hi" you mumble in response
She sits down next to you on your bed where you where sitting too
"About That flyer y/n. Do you want me to go with you tomorrow?"
"O-only if you have- n-nothing to do" you shrug
"Listen to me." You look at her
"I have- about 25 pieces of paperwork, 3 scheduled trainings and a meet with shields board tomorrow"
You look down at the ground
"But- I've already canceled it."
You frown and look up to her
"Because I, I want to go tomorrow. With you. Together."
You smile slightly
"Really?" You ask in disbelief
"Yes y/n. Really"
"Thank you so much" you say to her while tearing up
"Oh y/n. Don't cry. It's alright. I would love to do something with you"
"C-can I hug you?" You ask her
She smiles at you
"Come here" she pulls you into a hug. Before you know it you are sobbing and crying in her arms.
She rubs your back being worried about you.
"Honey calm down"
"H-honey?" You say looking up to her
She smiles at you
"Yeah honey. Are you okay with me calling you that?"
You hug her even tighter hiding your head in her body and slowly.
She smiles down at you.
"Why don't you go to bed. It's getting late"
"No thank you" you whisper not letting go of her.
"Y/n you have to-"
"No! Please don't leave" you beg her
"What's going on?"
"Don't leave- don't leave me"
You begin crying again
"Hey don't cry. I'm right here okay? I'm not going anywhere" she rubs your back unsure of what is happening with you.
"I'll stay with you okay? Until you fall asleep. I won't leave you"
"T-tank you nat" you stutter tiredly.

You are all cuddled up in bed listening to nats heartbeat.
"Did you stil want to go tomorrow? With me?" You ask her
"Do you want to go?" She asks you
"No- but I have to. And if I have to I want to go with you" you tell her
"I have a better idea"
You look up and look at her
"Why don't we call you in sick, and then we just watch movies with snacks all day."
You smile at her and hug her
"Would you like that?"
"Yes please" you whisper
"Alright. Now go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up"

5 minutes later Natasha feels your breathing even out as you fall asleep. she admires your peaceful face and kisses the top of your head
"Goodnight honey" she whispers
"Night mama" you mumble very sleepily

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